
Intergenerational Cohabitation: a new source for accommodations in Padua


Facing the significant increase in rental prices, and the number of requests for affordable accommodations from Unipd students, the University, the city of Padua, ESU and the local partners offer an innovative solution with Intergenerational Cohabitation.

A win-win relationship, Intergenerational Cohabitation also promotes the cultivation of relations between the student community and local citizens over the age of 65. While not a welfare agreement, intergenerational cohabitation includes a lease agreement between both parties.

Investigating possible candidates and general interest, a survey will identify the number of students and hosts interested in participating in an intergenerational cohabitation relationship.

Thanks to the reports of availability from students and hosts, the first cohabitation contracts will begin soon. The application phase will be followed by an interview and subsequent selection for the start of the administrative process.

To apply, you must submit an online form before Friday 7 July.

For more information and/or show interest, please consult the Progetto Giovani web page.