
Free Patrick Zaki


The Rector of the University of Padua, Rosario Rizzuto, has set forth an appeal to free Patrick Zaki.

The entire University of Padua community is following the story of Patrick Zaki with great concern. Zaki is a student from the University of Bologna who was recently arrested upon his return to Egypt after studying in Italy. Therefore, we are setting forth an appeal that mirrors that of Rector Francesco Ubertini of the University of Bologna stating: fundamental human rights are sacred. The University of Padua, which defines freedom, in all its forms, as our foundation, pleas for national and international institutions to fight for a solution to free Zaki as soon as possible. I have notified the members of our Academic Senate and our Board of Directors to petition alongside this motion which was launched by my Alma Mater of Bologna in the hopeful pursuit that Zaki is freed before our next scheduled meeting”.