Exploring LGBT+ campus climate in the UK and Philippines. A webinar by Zyra Evangelista
The 17th of May 1990 was a crucial day in the history of civilization: the World Health Organization, entrusted with spreading the basic knowledge on global people health, deleted homosexuality from the list of mental diseases.
On 17 May 2022, on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. (IDAHOBIT), the Padova University Single Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Satisfaction, and against discrimination (hereinafter CUG), celebrates the third edition of the Prize for Research Work on Gender Identity and Sexual orientation Issues to Combat Discrimination. The prize money is awarded to young researchers carrying out or having carried out research activities on the subject of homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Universities or Research Institutes.
The 2022 prize has been awarded to Zyra Evangelista (Research Associate, University of Glasgow), for her research work on Exploring LGBT+ campus climate in the UK and Philippines: How prejudice and belonging shape inclusion in higher education. The evaluation committee gave the following reasons for its final decision: “The research work investigates a topic of great social relevance in depth, looking at different socio-cultural backgrounds and, in particular, the Philippines, which is characterised by a specific interest for the LGBT+ community. We really appreciate the use of a multimethod perspective, both qualitative and quantitative, on a very representative sample. The research work stands out for a great quality and a substantial theoretical framework, focusing on the academic community as a privileged environment to deduce a wider reflection on how to develop effective policies in specific contexts. The Committee also appreciated the topical relevance of the issues and the results’ practical implications”.
We discuss about it today with the author and prize winner, with the CUG members that awarded the prize, and with Prof. Tindara Addabbo, President of the National Conference of Italian Universities Equality Bodies.
The webinar takes place on 17 May 2022 at 16 GMT+2 and is broadcasted on zoom platform https://unipd.zoom.us/j/81810426768.
Zyra Evangelista is a PhD researcher at the University of Glasgow. Their PhD project is supported by a Newton Fund grant and supervised by Professor Catherine Lido, Dr Maxine Swingler, and Dr Jason Bohan. It involves a mixed-method, cross-country comparative assessment of the campus climate for LGBT+ university students in the UK and Philippines. Their work contributes to global LGBT+ equality by highlighting the importance of developing LGBT+ students’ social identity belonging within their universities to improve LGBT+ inclusion in Higher Education.