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An excellent position for Unipd in the ranking of Italian universities drawn up by Censis


“Again this year, the classification Censis has placed the University of Padova in an excellent position in terms of student service. Getting results is never easy and receiving confirmation of such positive results is even more difficult. Compared to 2018 our general score grew by almost three points. This is a signal that confirms that all rankings are forms of motivation do better and better, and to constantly improve.” Comments from Rector Rosario Rizzuto, in regards to the results of the new ranking of Italian universities drawn up by Censis for the year 2019/2020.

The evaluation takes into consideration both state and non-state universities, dividing them into homogeneous categories by size. Censis then applies a series of quality indicators including the services provided, scholarships, quality of facilities, communication, online services, along with its level of internationalization. The result from the basis of this analysis has placed the University of Padova with an overall score of 88.7, putting it second among the best large state universities (over 40,000 students and faculty).

Rector Rizzuto continued to say, “The excellent results obtained by the University of Padova has placed it in second place among the mega Italian universities in terms of scholarships, internationalization, facilities, and, tied with Milan, first place for students who are able to find employment after graduation. "Being aware of the high rate of students becoming employed after graduation is fundamental for us. This shows how young people are not only show results from their high quality training, but that students are able to cross over these skills, asserting themselves from academic to a professional life.”

A general overview of the latest Censis ranking reveals four consecutive years of student enrollment growth, between the academic year of 2017-2018 there was an increase of 1.3% compared to that of the previous academic year. Furthermore, with the 47% of Italian High School graduates enrolling in university, 15.5% of them choose economic and industrial engineering while 12.5% of them choose information engineering as their selected majors.