beato pellegrino

Censis ranks the University of Padua first in Italy


This year, Padua ranked first of all mega-universities in Italy according to Censis.

The University of Padua has firmly remained among the best mega universities in Italy, placing itself in second or third place in the Censis - Repubblica ranking since 2009.

The results for 2024 are excellent across the various sectors examined. Ranking high with the Communication and Digital Services sector with a score of 107, followed by Internationalization and Employability with 91 points, Scholarships with 88 points, Structures with 84, and Student Services with a score of 76. The 89.5 average places us at the top of the ranking, followed by Bologna with 87.5 and Roma La Sapienza with 84.3.

The Censis - Repubblica ranking compares the performance of universities by distinguishing them into mega-state universities (with over 40,000 enrollments), large state universities (from 20 to 40,000 enrollments), medium state universities (from 10 to 20,000 enrollments, small state universities (up to 10,000 students), polytechnics and non-state universities.

The University of Padua, with over 74,000 students, the University of Padua enrolled approximately 24,000 first year students for the current year, falling within the mega-state university status. There are 207 study courses that cover all disciplinary fields: 93 degree courses, 14 single-cycle master's degree courses and 100 master's degree courses.

The University has 60 active study courses in English (around a third of the total courses provided), of which 8 three-year and single-cycle degree courses and 52 master's degree courses; 80% of foreign students enrolled at the University of Padua attend a course in English.

“I am thrilled and above all proud of the result achieved in the Censis ranking – states Rector Daniela Mapelli -. A success that is the fruit of the competent and passionate work of all those who make up the University of Padua community. The ranking certifies the high standards guaranteed by our university. Thanks to our innovative and continual updating of our educational offer that considers the needs of a rapidly evolving productive world and society, we have demonstrated our high employability rates of graduates. The Censis ranking also recognizes the impressive efforts made for internationalisation, welcoming around 7,500 students from abroad, a number which has grown significantly in the last three years. In the 2024-2025 academic year we will provide 207 study courses and of these 60 will be entirely in English. At the same time, I am extremely pleased to see our commitment to the right to study and the well-being of the academic community. It is no coincidence that we are one of the universities with the highest no-tax area in Italy (30,000 euros), we invest tens of thousands of euros for the right to education and we excel in services, among which, I will mention one for all, the precious psychological assistance."