Arqus Summer School in Cybersecurity
The Arqus Alliance invites students, researchers, and practitioners from academia and industry to participate in the "2021 Summer School in Cybersecurity", in September 6-10, 2021.
The "2021 Summer School in Cybersecurity" aims at bringing together members of the Arqus European University Alliance to debate contemporary issues in the area of security and privacy. The school consists of lectures and hands-on sessions, given by world-leading researchers in this area, and of a students' forum.
The school is virtual, but participants can attend it in presence at any of the four organizing universities (i.e., University of Padua, Vilnius University, University of Granada, Université Jean Monnet). Due to Covid restrictions, the University of Padua has limited physical access to the building; priority is given to the students of the Master Degree in CyberSecurity.
Apply now online for the school (deadline: August 10, 2021).
Further information is available at www.arqus-alliance.eu/news/summer-school-cybersecurity