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Studentesse e studenti

Tesi per il clima. Un premio per stimolare la ricerca sul cambiamento climatico


Il 7 febbraio dalle 14 alle 17, un seminario online è l’occasione per presentare le tesi finaliste e vincitrici della scorsa edizione del bando: 1° classificato è Philippe Fleury, con una tesi incentrata sul concetto di “energy democracy”.

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Research provides insight into the eating habits of Homo erectus


The research team includes Luca Bondioli (Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua) and Beatrice Peripoli (former Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua student and current PhD student at Sapienza University of Rome) Through the study of teeth, researchers compared the eating habits of Homo erectus with those of orangutans and other contemporary animal species.

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Padova a sostegno degli studenti internazionali


Tre linee di finanziamento, per oltre 800mila euro nell’anno 2023 per borse di studio, offrono supporto economico alle studentesse e agli studenti internazionali che scelgono l’Università degli Studi di Padova come sede per svolgere i propri studi

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Padua offers more support to its international students


The University’s Board of Directors has approved three funding opportunities to support international students who have chosen the University of Padua for their academic careers by investing over 800,000 euros in scholarships for 2023

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Unipd research. Fluctuating effects in x-ray exposed atoms as glass become fluid


A research team which includes also Unipd researchers, found that when exposing glass to a beam of X-rays of sufficient intensity, it is possible to induce movement of the atoms inside the glass: subjected to X-rays, glass flows, like liquids

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