Archivio news


Padua offers more support to its international students


The University’s Board of Directors has approved three funding opportunities to support international students who have chosen the University of Padua for their academic careers by investing over 800,000 euros in scholarships for 2023

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Unipd research. Fluctuating effects in x-ray exposed atoms as glass become fluid


A research team which includes also Unipd researchers, found that when exposing glass to a beam of X-rays of sufficient intensity, it is possible to induce movement of the atoms inside the glass: subjected to X-rays, glass flows, like liquids

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aula magna

Unipd cultural heritage: enjoys record visits in 2022


In 2022, the year in which the University of Padua celebrated its 800th anniversary, a record number of 300,00 visitors enjoying the cultural heritage of the University of Padua grew thanks to the extended open hours of operation and the restorations

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Un progetto di intelligenza artificiale dello spinoff Padova Audio Innova selezionato fra i due finalisti mondiali al Cannes Neurons


Lo spin-off dell'Università di Padova Audio Innova srl è stato selezionato tra i due finalisti del concorso "Cannes Neurons” del World AI Cannes Festival, il più grande festival dell’intelligenza artificiale al mondo che vedrà presente l’Università di Padova con propri spin off, dal 9 all’11 febbraio 2023

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taccuino europeo

Unipd and other Arqus partners welcomes Maynooth University as a new full member of the Alliance


Maynooth University (Ireland) joins the Arqus efforts towards building a forward-looking, open, integrated and research-driven European University, building transformative excellence with and for all.

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