
5 million euros awarded to Unipd’s H-HOPE project from the European commission


The University of Padua receives more funding under the Horizon Europe program thanks to the H-HOPE project coordinated by Giovanna Cavazzini, professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering, in collaboration with the Interdepartmental Centre Giorgio Levi Cases.

Almost 5 million euros have been awarded to the Hidden-Hydro Oscillating Power for Europe project (H-HOPE) which seeks to develop an innovative technological solution to recover the residual energy of water found in unexploited waters, such as water distribution and purification networks, drainage channels, and underwater and lagoon currents.

The project aims to develop cost-efficient technology that can adapt to the characteristics of its application, ranging from pressure pipelines to open channels. To allow the widest possible exploitation of the technology by private and public users, preliminary design and development support tools available through the "Do-It-Yourself" platforms.

"This technology allows us to digitize artificial and natural networks and channels.  By increasing their resilience and sustainability of current and future water sources we can address the problem of sustainability and the exploitation of energy resources and water,” says Prof Giovanna Cavazzini, project coordinator.

“Congratulations to Prof. Cavazzini and the H-HOPE project partners, as well as all those whose contribution has led to obtaining yet another important European funding. This result highlights the international prestige of our University and its dedication to collaborative projects in research and technological innovation,” proclaims Pro-Rector for Research, Fabio Zwirner.

The collaborative project of 14 institutions including universities, research centres, and public utilities will combine research from the hydroelectric sector with the needs of the public service for water management.

The H-HOPE project is a collaboration of top players from nine different countries.  Including the University of Padua, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), Uppsala University (Sweden), the University of Vienna (Austria), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the University of Brno (Czech Republic), the University of Reykjavik (Iceland), TUBITAK Centers of Excellence (Turkey), Edison spa (Italy), Vattenfall AB (Sweden), Reykjavík Energy (Iceland), Acque Veronesi, Water and Sewage Administration of Izmir (Turkey), and CJH Multisourcing.

The launch event of the H-HOPE project takes place on 16 November in Brussels.