Job offers window
Notice: for information on how to access the service write to placement@unipd.it or call the numbers 0498273902 - 0498273317 (during the hours 9-13)
In the job offers window for jobs in Italy and in the job offers window for jobs abroad, numerous opportunities reserved for students and graduates of the University of Padua are available for consultation and are regularly updated.
In order to apply for a job, it is necessary to access the reserved area, using the username and password of the University e-mail account. The offers in the window are reserved to students and graduates of the University of Padua.
You can choose whether to apply for foreign countries (by clicking on the English flag), or for Italy, by selecting the item on the left to insert your curriculum in Italian.
Once you have filled in all the mandatory sections, you can access the window on the left menu and click on the "apply" button next to the offers of interest.
For each application, the office will send a confirmation response, which will then be forwarded to the companies or organizations in which you are interested.
For job offers abroad it is also possible to record a video cv in a foreign language, which can be viewed together with the data of the electronic questionnaire. Foreign companies can contact the candidates for a remote interview, using a software provided by the Career service.
Career Service
via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova
tel. 049.8273075
Public opening hours and Phone calls taken as follows:
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30
The counter to the public receives only by appointment