Job Search Tools - Top Tips Video

Through the Medispace page of the Career Service are available some channels containing playlists with short videos that provide useful information about the most effective tools and suggestions to penetrate the job market.

Videos address some classic issues such as the writing of curriculum vitae and cover letter, how to face a job interview and the setting up of an effective job search strategy. More specific topics related to the current context are also addressed, for example, how to take the most from an experience abroad, how to defeat an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) or create a Personal Branding strategy.

Videos are visible by logging in with SSO.
The Mediaspace portal

Career Service

via Martiri della Libertà, 2
35137 Padova
tel. 049.8273075

Public opening hours and Phone calls taken as follows:
Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, Tuesdays and Thursdays also 15.00-16.30

The counter to the public receives only by appointment