ERC: Stefania Gialdroni
ERC Grantee: Stefania Gialdroni
Department: Private Law and Critique of Law
Total Contribution: Euro 1.610.593,00
Project Duration in months: 60
Start Date: 01/10/2021
End Date: 30/09/2026
Stefania Gialdroni has been appointed Full Professor of Medieval and Modern Legal History at the Department of Private Law and Critical Legal Studies (DPCD) after having obtained, in 2020, an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project MICOLL (2021-2026). She studied Law at the RomaTre University (2003, JD equivalent) and she obtained a PhD “en-cotutelle” from the University of Milano-Bicocca and the EHESS in Paris (2009), within the framework of the Marie Curie, 6th Framework Program of the EC. As a PhD student, she spent one year at the Research School of the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt a. M. (2005-2006), one year at the London School of Economics (2006-2007) and two years at the EHESS (2007-2009). She was Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Arcadia University (The College of Global Studies, Rome Center), the RomaTre University, the University of Palermo and the University of Helsinki. In 2018 she became Research Fellow in Medieval and Modern Legal History at the RomaTre University Law Department. Her main research interests concern the history of commercial law between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era, the relationship between law and the humanities and the legal protection of cultural heritage. Her ERC Project “Migrating Commercial Law and Language. Rethinking Lex Mercatoria (11th-17th Century)” – MICOLL is aimed at analyzing the development of commercial law through the lenses of historical linguistics. The study of the borrowing and transfer of legal terms is carried out through a comprehensive and systematic investigation of commercial letters, contracts and statutes. The center of this project is Venice, for several centuries the mandatory stop for merchants and merchandise coming from the East.