ERC: Gianluca Botter

Download Project: DyNET: Dynamical river NETworks: climatic controls and biogeochemical function (2018- 2023)

Gianluca Botter


ERC Grantee: Gianluca Botter

Department: Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Total Contribution: Euro 1.999.758,00

Project Duration in months: 60

Start Date: 01/05/2018
End Date: 30/04/2023

Personal page


Gianluca Botter holds a degree in Environmental Engineering (2001) and a Ph.D in Environmental Modeling (2005) from the University of Padova, where he’s currently associate professor of hydrology and water resources management at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICEA). He’s author and co-author of more than 70 papers (as of Aug 2018) in peer-reviewed journals, including PNAS, PlosONE and Geophysical Research Letters (Google scholar h-index = 28, as of Aug 2018). In 2010 he has been awarded the Torricelli prize as leading under-34 researcher in the fields of Hydraulics and Hydrology, and in 2017 he got a 2 Million euros ERC award from the European Research Council for the research project “DyNET: Dynamical river networks”. He is member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Advances in Water Resources” (Elsevier) and Editor of the journal “Hydrological Processes” (Wiley). His scientific interests include: i) the characterization of river flow regimes from landscape and climate; ii) the development of catchment-scale transport models based on the concept of water age and dynamical travel time distributions; iii) the analysis of water quality patterns in space and time; iv) the interaction between anthropogenic activities, flow regimes and in-stream ecological processes.