ERC: Andrea Longhin
Project: ENUBET - Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging (2016-2021)
ERC Grantee: Andrea Longhin
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Total Contribution: Euro 2.000.000,00
Project Duration in months: 60
Start Date: 01/06/2016
End Date: 31/05/2021
Andrea Longhin is Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
He completed his Master degree (2000) and his PhD (2003) in Physics at the University of Padova and was then a postdoctoral fellow from 2003 to 2011 at Unipd and then at CEA Saclay (France). He started his career at the HERA collider in DESY (Hamburg) being interested in the production of heavy quarks in electron-proton collisions and the muon detector of the ZEUS experiment. After the PhD he started his contribution to the physics of neutrinos by pursuing the search for flavor oscillations of muon to tau-neutrinos over the CERN to Gran Sasso 732 km long baseline with the OPERA experiment. He participated in the construction of the RPC system of the muon spectrometers of the OPERA experiment at the Gran Sasso INFN National laboratories and the analysis of the nucelar emulsion data at the Legnaro and Frascati National INFN laboratories. In 2008 he was involved in the design of future high intensity neutrino beams within the EURONU FP7 program at CEA-Saclay (FR). In 2009 he started studying the transitions of muon to electron neutrinos over a 295 km distance as he joined the T2K experiment in Japan. In 2010 he participated in the commissioning of the Time Projection Chambers of the ND280 near detector complex in Tokai and he is still involved in this experiment which is a major player in the search for the violation of the CP symmetry with neutrinos. In 2011 he obtained a staff researcher position at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and in 2015 he received an ERC consolidator grant with the ENUBET idea to prove the feasibility of a new generation neutrino beam with a control of the intensity at the level of 1 %. The technique is based on a direct monitoring of high angle emitted positrons from three-body decays of a collimated Kaon beam by means of an instrumented decay pipe. In 2018 he obtained funding from the MIUR for the NUTECH (NeUtrino Time-tagged bEams with CHerenkov detectors) project.
ENUBET web site: