Single course units

Versione italiana

The University of Padua gives the opportunity to attend single course units and sit the respective examinations.

You may apply for up to five single course units of the University of Padua per academic year. You can only register for the single course units delivered in the same academic year in which you submit your application.

To have the ECTS credits recognised and validated in case of future enrolment in a degree programme of the University of Padua, you need to apply for recognition of previous studies.

  Who can apply

Eligible applicants for single course units are:

  • EU citizens or EU-equated citizens, regardless of their qualification.
    If permitted by regulations, students who are already enrolled in a degree programme at the University of Padua may alternatively request that supernumerary exams be included in their exam transcripts. Those exams will not count towards the average grade of passed exams (further information going to
  • Non-EU citizens residing abroad, provided that they pre-enrol in University of Padua via Universitaly and upload the required documents (see below), as set forth by the Ministerial guidelines. After the application has been validated on Universitaly by the Global Engagement Office - Admissions and Welcome Unit, they must contact the Italian Embassy/Consulate in their country of residence to appy for a study visa. For further information: The deadlines for submitting the application are 31 July for first-semester courses, and 24 December second-semester courses.
    If permitted by regulations, students who are already enrolled in a degree programme at the University of Padua may alternatively request that supernumerary exams be included in their exam transcripts. Those exams will not count towards the average grade of passed exams (further information going to

  Single course units on offer

You can choose single course units within:

Or searching by Scientific Academic Discipline Division

Degree Programmes which do not allow the choice of single course units
Degree programmes with access limited on a national basis (by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) do not allow the choice of single course units: Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Building Engineering and Architecture, Primary Teacher Education, health-related professions

Degree Programmes which allow the choice of single course units
The choice of single course units is allowed but subject to restrictions in some cases for degree programmes with access depending on a compulsory but not binding admission test and degree programmes with number of places limited by the University itself and therefore subject to a compulsory and binding admission test.


Please check the restrictions on registering for single course units on the Schools’ websites listed below (currently being updated) before finalizing the registration procedure.

School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine:
- Veterinary Medicine - Safety and hygiene of food products do not allow the choice of single course unit
- Animal Care: all first- and second-year courses are accessible to a maximum of 3 students. If the number of applications exceeds the available places, the following criteria will be applied: 1. the date of submission of the application 2. high school diploma final mark 3. age In the case of applications presented on the same day, the second criteria will be applied. In the case of applications presented on the same date by candidates with the same high school final mark, priority will be given to the youngest candidate.
School of Economics and Political Science
School of Law
School of Engineering
School of Medicine:
- Medicine and Surgery- Dentistry - health-related professions at Bachelor’s and Master’s level do not allow the choice of single course units;
- Human movement sciences provides a single course in “European Sports Policies and Integrity) - it does not allow the choice of single course units, except for students who have to fulfil any additional learning requirements to enrol in the Master’s Degree Programme;
- Pharmacy - Chemistry and pharmaceutical techniques - Applied pharmaceutical science - Pharmaceutical biotechnologies: single course units are on offer with restrictions and therefore must be approved beforehand)
School of Psychology
School of Science: Astronomy, Biology, Molecular biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Industrial chemistry, Physics, Computer science, Mathematics, Optics and optometry, Materials science, Environmental sciences and technology, Geological science and Natural science, Statistical Sciences
School of Human and social sciences and cultural heritage


  How to register

You can choose single course units within:

NB: You should check on restrictions before submitting your application.  Should there be restrictions, your application may not be accepted.

You must apply for registration exclusively on-line by sending an email to and attach the following documents:

  • registration form duly filled in;
  • copy of a valid ID card;
  • passport photo in JPG format;
  • receipt attesting the payment of the revenue stamp of current value (€16);
  • ONLY for non-EU citizens residing in Italy: copy of the residence permit
  • ONLY fornon-EU citizens residing outside Italy: Declaration of Value OR Diploma Supplement OR Statement of Comparability issued by CIMEA. Moreover, they must provide an English language certificate (level B2 CEFR) for applications to English-taught course units or an Italian language certificate (level B2 CEFR) for applications to Italian-taught course units.

Important: The revenue stamp must be paid through the PagoPA system
Access the main page and select Voluntary Payment to proceed with the payment. Enter your data, in the field Payment reason select DIDA12 - Stamp Duty - Single course units, in the field Reason type “Application for single course units - Name and Surname”.

Following checks on the documents provided, you will be emailed with the instructions to finalise your registration.

  Closing dates for registration

School of Science

  • from Monday, 02 September 2024 to Wednesday, 25 September 2024 for annual and first semester single course units;
  • from Monday, 03 February 2025 to Wednesday, 19 February 2025 for second semester single course units.

All other Schools:

  • from Wednesday, 11 September 2024 to Thursday, 30 May 2025 for annual, first semester and second semester single course units;

Closing dates for Short Specialisation Degrees
Please visit the specific web page (in Italian). 

You must sit and record the examinations of single course units by the end of the academic year of registration (30 September).


You may submit your application (registration form) for up to five single course units per academic year.

When submitting each application (which may include registration for more than one single course unit), you must also pay the revenue stamp of current value (€16) through the PagoPA system.

Once you have received the email confirming the acceptance of your application, you must pay the registration fee for each single course unit (€200 each) to finalise the procedure.

Only for the first application and when finalising your registration (after the confirmation email has been received), you also need to pay €22.50 (including revenue stamp of current value and insurance fee), in addition to the expected amount based on the number of activities you are registering for.

People with disabilities over 66 per cent or with disabilities recognized by Italian Law (Legge) No. 104/1992, pay an enrolment fee of 22.50 euros in order to enrol in up to a maximum of five single course units. For further information, please contact .

If you do not sit the examinations of the single course units you registered for, neither partial nor full reimbursement of fees is provided.


Once you have sat the examination, you can apply for a certificate of the activity carried out:

- Self-certification of the activities carried out
(Uniweb, section Didattica > Autocertificazioni);

- Certificate
instructions available on the following web page

Student office

Casa Grimani
Lungargine del Piovego 2/3, 35131 Padova

Ufficio Carriere Studenti will be closed from 10th to 20th August

Call centre tel. +39 049 8273131