Support for lesson attendance, individual study and examinations
Support for lesson attendance
Classroom presence is one of the main vehicles for inclusion, as it guarantees shared contexts and opportunities for exchange and relations with lecturers and fellow students. To encourage participation in teaching activities and on the whole in university life, the University of Padua provides dedicated services.
Students with disabilities, SLDs, other learning difficulties and certified health conditions may request adapted and appropriate measures for attendance and active participation in university lessons. To this end, they must send their certification or diagnosis, if not done yet, in good time to the Inclusion Unit - Student Services Office: certification submission
Some examples of support that can be requested are: audio-recording of lectures, transcription of the lecturer's speech, adjustable desks, other accommodations etc.
To submit these requests, the Inclusive education form must be filled in, respecting the following deadline.
- by 9 September 2024 if they relate to the first semester (for freshmen by 25 September);
- by 15 January 2025 if they relate to the second semester.
Extraordinary measures
In cases of proven serious health reasons that make it impossible for disabled students or students with learning disabilities to attend classes in person, all useful and necessaryindividualisation/personalisation measures, as provided for by Laws 17/1999 and 170/2010, will be considered, including video recording of lessons and forms of dual teaching.
The Inclusion Unit of the Student Services Office will contact teachers and sstudent offices to determine together the best form of adjustments for each person, always trying to encourage as active participation in lessons as possible.
To request these measures it is necessary to send an email to with the subject line “Extraordinary Measures - teaching a.y. 2024/25” attaching:
- updated certification issued by the specialist doctor specifying the inability to attend classes in attendance;
- if not already previously delivered, also certification of civil disability and/or Law 104 and/or DSA;
The Inclusion Sector will then email applicants the appropriate online form that must be completed and submitted
- by September 9, 2024 if they are related to the first semester (for freshmen by September 25);
- by January 15, 2025 if they are related to the second semester."
Buddy service
Students with disabilities can apply for a "buddy" to accompany them on foot or by public transport (bus, tram) so that they can attend lessons regularly or go to academic and institutional activities.
The service, which takes place within the City of Padua, is active during teaching periods and examination sessions, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Requests must be submitted to no later than Tuesday of the previous week.
If you live or are domiciled in Veneto, reduced-rate passes are also available for your "buddy". For more information on rates and regulations, please contact Trenitalia and Busitalia Veneto (or your home province).
Students with reduced mobility who need equipped vans to reach the university lecture halls may apply for a financial contribution to cover the expenses associated with the public or private service of their choice. Some operators providing this service at subsidised prices are present in Studiare a Padova Card.
In order to apply for the financial contribution, it is necessary to be in possession of disability certification. The contribution is disbursed bimonthly. For more information contact us at
Support for individual study
Inclusion Tutors
Inclusion Tutors are specifically trained Master's or PhD students who collaborate with the Inclusion Unit - Student Services Office to foster:
- a positive attitude towards the disciplines being studied and the use of effective study management strategies and methods;
- full and active participation in university life (class attendance, seminar activities, satisfactory and productive relationships with classmates, lecturers, the Department Contact Person for Inclusion and Disability and others).
"Inclusion Tutors" are especially dedicated to newly enrolled students in order to promote their autonomy, greater levels of self-regulation and to maximize progress and success of the university pathway.
Therefore, if you have difficulties in a specific subject, or in building positive relationships with your classmates and lecturers, you can request the tutor for inclusion support to prepare for one exam and to create positive relations with the new context, when you feel the need for it.
To apply, you have to fill in this form. Please note that following your answers, if the Inclusion Unit finds it necessary, you may be contacted for an online or in-person interview to better define the support.
Requests for tutors for Inclusion are taken up:
for first year students:
- from 10 October to 30 October for the first semester
- from 1 March to 20 March for the second semester
for students enrolled in years beyond the first:
- from 15 September to 15 October for the first semester
- from 15 February to 15 March for the second semester
Requests for support to edit the final thesis may be submitted throughout the whole academic year.
The assignment is made by means of a specific ranking list, based on the availability of tutors and their specific skills.
Technological aids
The Student Services Office provides a range of technological aids to support studying and teaching activities. They include:
- table and portable enlargers;
- software Jaws;
- reading software for learning disabilities (Italian, English, French, Spanish and German)
- Braille bars;
- portable recorders;
- FM and Bluetooth transmitters for hearing aids;
- an interactive whiteboard (in Italian, “LIM”).
These aids can be used freely either in the classroom or during exams. You can also borrow some of these devices and give them back at the end of the academic year.
Library and Alternative Format Books
Students can use the “Alternative format books” service (Libri in formato alternative) at the School of Psychology library. You can:
- look up and take out digital materials (if already available);
- convert printed texts into digital format;
- ask for an interlibrary loan for texts or articles not available in the University libraries.
For opening times and addresses, please go to the page for the “Alternative format books” service (servizio “Libri in formato alternativo”), or send an e-mail to
SensusAccess: convert documents to accessible format
A self-service support that enables automatic conversion of web pages and files to alternative multimedia formats while improving their accessibility.
Go to SensusAccess
Quiet Room
A place dedicated to special needs, self-study or with tutor support for students with disabilities, learning difficulties and other vulnerabilities.
Support for exams
For exams that you will be taking between 7th January and 21st January 2025 any requests for a personalized test should be sent no later than 9 December 2024.
As provided by Laws 17/1999 and 170/2010, students with disabilities or learning difficulties may apply for personalised examinations. Students with certified severe health conditions, vulnerability and other special needs may also submit their requests.
Customised test request
For each examination, the request for a customised test must be sent via the following form at least 15 days before the exam date.
The Inclusion Unit staff will then contact the professor to arrange the necessary 'reasonable adjustments'.
Some examples of customisations are:
- additional time
- technological aids
- a different exam format (written/oral or other)
- support by a tutor reader and/or amanuensis
Graphical representations of knowledge (conceptual maps, forms, etc.)
Graphical representations of knowledge (conceptual maps, forms, etc.) are compensatory study support tools which can reduce the impact that a specific impaired ability has on the student's performance, without facilitating him/her on the whole from a cognitive point of view (MIUR, Guidelines for the right to study attached to the Ministerial Decree of 12 July 2011).They are included within the list of compensatory measures provided for by Law 170 of 2010, and in some situations they can act as a valid support for written tests or oral expositions. Their use is assessed on a case-by-case basis, in collaboration with the professor, depending on the nature and structure of the examination and the specific needs of each student.
To learn more about maps and forms (what they are used for, how to realise them correctly, when to use them or not, etc.) you can watch these two italian videos:
Student Services Office - Inclusion
We will be out of the office from December 23 to January 6.
Useful contacts:
Telephone: 049 8275038
Open: Monday and Wednesday 10 am to 1 pm
Tuesday 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 4.30 pm
Thursday 10 am to 3 pm
Friday 10 to 1 pm (by appointment only)
Facebook page: Università di Padova Inclusiva