Referees and services for inclusion and disability

Delegate for Inclusion and Disability
The Rector’s delegate is responsible for inclusion and disability issues. The entire University community, however, is invited to establish contacts and set up partnerships, report discrimination, material and cultural barriers, highlight good practices and inclusive events, as well as provide suggestions and solutions to promote inclusion.
Department advisors for Inclusion and Disability
Each University department has appointed one advisor for Inclusion and Disability for issues concerning inclusion, disability, learning difficulties and vulnerability. They collaborate with the Rector’s delegate to promote inclusion policies for the benefit of all members of the University community: students, technical and administrative staff, and professors. They set up customized interaction between students and colleagues in order to promote participation in university life and the right to a university education, thus stimulating students to manage their university lives with determination and raising awareness of inclusion policies among department members. Furthermore, they strive to create a welcoming environment and a sense of belonging.
List of the Heads of Inclusion and Disability in each Department
Student Services Office – Inclusion
The University of Padua provides a series of services for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (DSA), to guarantee them the right to education, and full and active participation in university life
Representative for Disability and Inclusion in the Student Council
Students with disabilities, DSA and other vulnerabilities can contact the Disability and Inclusion Representative in the Student Council to bring their concerns to the attention of the Inclusion and Disability Officers and Services and, more generally, to the university community.
Student Services Office - Vocational Guidance
The Student Services Office intends to ensure effective vocational guidance activities for the choice of university by carrying out support and counselling activities for students in this regard.
La.R.I.O.S. Laboratory - Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology
This laboratory offers free consultancy to all students planning their future professional careers, in particular to students and employees with disabilities and specific learning disabilities, as well as to other vulnerable people.
University Centre for Clinical University Psychological Services - SCUP
Offers free medium, short and long-term psychological support to university students who encounter difficulties that hinder their daily stay and study at the University.
Public Engagement Office
Within the Public Engagement Office, the Involvement and Sustainability Sector coordinates and promotes sustainability, inclusion and social innovation actions at the University and in the local area; it carries out actions to promote sport, wellbeing, equal opportunities and gender equality.
Psychological Assistance Service for University Employees (APAD)
The service is offered by the University to university employees and their dependents, for the purposes of prevention, counselling and clinical and psychotherapeutic intervention in the field of psychological and relational distress and pathology.