
A Buddy for International Students is a student enrolled in a Master’s degree programme (or a single-cycle degree programme) at the University of Padua who, after suitable training, is assigned to a group of international students who have chosen to study at Padua for an entire programme.

  Buddy project - Incoming

Through the "Buddy - Incoming" Project, three types of Buddy tutors will be selected:

  • 4 coordination tutors (up to 150 hours each)
  • 7 buddy tutors (25 hours each)
  • 2 "Mobility" tutors (100 hours each)

Buddy Tutors will be responsible for helping exchange students orient themselves in the new environment and offering support with administrative procedures starting shortly before their arrival and throughout the semester. They must stay in contact with the students, answer their questions, provide information about university life in Padua, immigration procedures, healthcare services, and offer accompaniment if necessary. The Buddies will collaborate with the Mobility sector of the Projects and Mobility Office under the supervision of the Coordination Tutors

"Mobility" Tutors will not be assigned to exchange students but will provide assistance to all users via email or Zoom appointments on various topics related to incoming mobility. This includes all procedures to follow from the moment of nomination to the return to the home university (e.g., using the mobility platform, Uniweb and Moodle, filling out the study plan on Uniweb, accessing the cafeteria, etc.). The language used in written and oral communications with users will be English. They must be present in the office at least one morning a week to collaborate with the staff of the Mobility Sector. Interpersonal sensitivity, listening skills, and an understanding of student needs are required, as well as a propensity for teamwork.

Coordination Tutors will be responsible for assigning exchange students to Buddy tutors based on criteria established by the Projects and Mobility Office, coordinating the Buddy Tutors and volunteers of the Buddy4YOUrope project, monitoring their activities, and drafting a final report on the work done throughout the year. They will also collaborate with Unipd and ESN to organize in-person and online social events/activities, involving incoming students, Buddy Tutors, and volunteers of the "Buddy4YOUrope" project. Coordination Tutors will be asked to provide cross-support to all users on specific general interest issues through various communication and management methods, contribute to service improvement with innovative proposals, update existing informational materials, and create new ones.

The Buddies operate in collaboration with the Student Services Office and the Mobility Sector of the Projects & Mobility Office.

The activity is concentrated mainly in the periods of August-October and January-March.

  Buddy project - Mobility

Through the "Buddy - Mobility" Project, the following will be selected:
- 4 "Educating for Mobility" tutors (150 hours each)

The "Educating for Mobility" tutors will be asked to support UNIPD students in the various stages of outgoing mobility, from applying for selection calls to the procedures for returning from mobility. The tutors will work alongside the staff of the Mobility sector, with some focusing on specific Schools/Departments and others operating at a central level with a focus on communication using new tools in addition to official emails and software, with particular attention to international users. The activities will be organized throughout the academic year and will include direct contact with students—whether in person or in writing—the organization of informational meetings, connecting program participants, updating communication tools to be more effective, and other support and orientation activities. This new role aims to become a point of reference for outgoing students to address their simplest and most practical questions or navigate the various administrative procedures. The activity will predominantly take place in the office during agreed-upon hours.

How do you become a Buddy?
To become a Buddy, you need to participate in the calls for applications published annually on the page https://www.unipd.it/diventare-tutor.
You can apply and be selected for both projects, subsequently signing two separate contracts, one for each project. During the application submission and selection interviews, you can also express your availability to be selected for the various Tutor roles required in the respective projects.
The activities are paid. A fundamental requirement is a good knowledge of English and Italian. Knowledge of other languages, a propensity for interpersonal relationships, and previous experiences abroad will be positively evaluated.

Other opportunities

If you do not meet the requirements to participate, have learned about the Buddy project after the application deadline, or were not selected, discover the new project for volunteer Buddies, Buddy4YOUrope.

Student Services Office - Orientation and Tutoring

via Portello 19, 35129 Padua, Italy

tel. 049.8275044

To contact the tutors

The Student Services Office is open every day during public opening hours.
It also offers online consultations by appointment.