Archivio news


Fondazione Telethon finances 6 research projects based in Padua


Dedicated to the best scientific research into rare genetic conditions, Fondazione Telethon announces the winner of the second round of its multi-round Call for research projects 2021-2024. With over 4.3 million euros raised thanks to donations, the foundation will fund 24 research projects throughout Italy

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Artificial Intelligence in Bio-medical Research in Africa Shaping the future of Science


“Shaping a World-Class University” - Artificial Intelligence in Bio-medical Research in Africa Shaping the future of Science is organised from Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Healthfrom October 17 to October 20, 2023

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Il clan universitario Samarcanda, per continuare la tua esperienza fuori sede


Sei scout e studentessa o studente fuori sede? Con il clan universitario potrai trovare una comunità di riferimento per continuare il tuo cammino verso la Partenza. Conosci Scout Agesci Universitari il 17 ottobre

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The 2023 Cicap Festival: We’re doing our part


The festival highlights three key values needed to construct a future in which scientific, civil, and political progress align and proceed in harmony: the value of responsibility, the value of transparency, and the value of facts. October 13-15, 2023

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Mobility Fair 2023


On the occasion of the Erasmus Days 2023 - ESN Padova and the Projects and Mobility Office organize the Mobility Fair 2023. The event takes place on 13 October from 17 to 18.30 at the Confucio Institute (Via Beato Pellegrino, 28) and is open to all student

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