Archivio news


Webinar series 'Meet Unipd' for prospective students - Fall Edition


Webinar series 'Meet Unipd' for prospective students is an occasion for the Staff of the Global Engagement Office to present the University and its academic offer and give to students useful tips on application procedures scholarships and student services for the Academic Year 2025/26

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Match it now 2024


ADMO (Associazioni Donatori Midollo Osseo), with Match it Now 2024 event, will be in front of Palazzo Moroni on October 19 from 10 am to 7 pm to raise awareness among young people between 18 and 35 about donating bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cells

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ragazze ragazzi

Università Porte Aperte: giornate di accoglienza delle matricole nei corsi di studio


Anche quest'anno accademico, in occasione dell’inizio delle lezioni, l'Ateneo mantiene vivi i tradizionali incontri di benvenuto per le matricole promuovendo l’iniziativa Università Porte Aperte 2024, giornate di accoglienza delle matricole.

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Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data


As part of the seminars organized by the “Padua Neuroscience Center – PNC”, Peter Zeidman will give a talk entitled “Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data” on Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Fondazione Ricerca Biomedica Avanzata VIMM, Via Orus 2 – Padova

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academy night

The Academy Night 2024. Freshers & Students Welcome Party


Dedicated to all Unipd students, The Academy Night. Freshers & Students Welcome Party, is back to celebrate the start of lessons for the 2024/25 academic year. Held on October 3, at the Giardini dell'Arena at 7.30 p.m., the party includes music with the Ant One DJ set and a discounted aperitif

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