Archivio news


European Degrees: toward a full internationalization of the university system


The conference European Degrees: toward a full internationalization of the university system will be held Wednesday 10 April at 9:30am in the Archivio Antico at Palazzo del Bo

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Celebrating the National Day of Italian Universities


The first National Day of Italian Universities will be celebrated on 20 March. the first National Day of Italian Universities will be celebrated on 20 March. The University of Padua joins the celebrations by opening the doors of some of its historic buildings and museums to the public free of charge, offering visits and activities

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Ancient Courtyard

Palazzo Bo and the innocent victims of organized crime


On 21 March Unipd participates in the annual National Day of Remembrance and Commitment, which honours the innocent victims of organized crime and marks a long list of names of innocent victims of the mafia in the ancient courtyard of Palazzo Bo. The initiative takes place on Thursday, March 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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cortile antico

I nomi e le storie delle vittime innocenti di mafia a Palazzo del Bo


Unipd ricorda le vittime innocenti delle mafie raccogliendone i nomi e le storie. L’iniziativa, che si svolge giovedì 16 marzo dalle 10 alle 15 nel Cortile antico, viene riproposta in occasione del 21 marzo, Giornata della Memoria e dell’Impegno in ricordo delle vittime innocenti delle mafie

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Il Dipartimento di Scienze cardio-toraco-vascolari e sanità pubblica al LetExpo


A Verona dal dal 12 al 15 marzo, nella sezione dedicata a "Formazione, ricerca e sviluppo" per presentare alcuni progetti di terza missione, in particolare il progetto Cure at home e il progetto Grace

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