Workshops and Events

Percorsi Formativi e badge del T4L 

CalendarCalendar (SSO account

Workshops are short (2 hours), face-to-face or online meetings aimed at exploring specific topics to improve one's teaching practices.

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Workshop Teaching4Learning 2023/2024 

T4L workshops are open to all UNIPD teachers and count towards the T4L2 Advanced Open Badge.

Sign up for workshops by filling in the Google Form

ico pdfFlyer Workshop 2024


For more information see the Italian version

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Workshop Arqus Alliance 

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International Innovative Teaching Conference 2023

Convegno internazionale sulla didattica innovativa 2023




Ufficio Offerta formativa 

Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa

Tel.  049 827 6316 - 1246

Social network Teaching4learning

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