Recognition of language certifications
Procedures for the recognition of external language certifications
Students who hold a language certification at level B1 or higher can request its recognition instead of taking the language proficiency test, provided it meets the required proficiency level..
Please note: Exams recognized for career abbreviation do not count towards merit calculations for financial benefits (scholarships, "mille e una lode" award, etc.).
School of Engineering
The certifications listed in the CLA's prepared list are recognizable.
Students can consult the school's website page.
Instructions for submitting the recognition request.
Further recognitions for the School of Engineering (Open Badge, Ethics, Soft Skills).
School of Sciences
The certifications listed in the CLA's prepared list are recognizable.
Students can consult the school's website page.
Pay attention to the date of issue of the certification: certifications are considered valid for three years from the date of issue.
Instructions for submitting the recognition request.
School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
The certifications listed in the CLA's prepared list are recognizable.
Students can consult the School's website.
Attention must be paid to the issue date of the certification: certifications are considered valid for three years from the date of issue.
Instructions for submitting the recognition request.
School of Human and social sciences and cultural heritage
The certifications listed in the CLA's prepared list are recognizable.
Students can check the possibility of recognition by consulting their department's website (and if necessary, contacting the educational office).
Attention must be paid to the issue date of the certification:
B1 level certifications are considered valid for 2 years from the date of issuance, B2 level for 3 years, C1 level for 4 years, and C2 level for 5 years.
Instructions for submitting the recognition request.
School of Medicine and Surgery
Only for the courses in PHARMACY, CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY, and APPLIED PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, the language certifications, if listed by the CLA, can be submitted to the Educational Office of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Via Marzolo, 9 - Padova, tel. 049-8275376).
Any English language exams recorded in previous university courses or other universities will be recognized only through the application for preliminary evaluation and credit recognition.
Further information can be found in the attached document.
School of Psychology
For degree courses that include the activity 'English Language for Psychology,' the certifications, if listed by the CLA are recognizable.
Attention must be paid to the issue date of the certification: B2 level certifications are considered valid for 3 years, C1 level for 4 years, and C2 level for 5 years. Instructions for submitting the recognition request.
For other degree courses and master's degree courses, automatic recognition is not provided.
The recognition request can be submitted through the the application for preliminary evaluation and credit recognition.
School of Law
Automatic recognitions are not provided; the recognition request can be submitted through the application for preliminary evaluation and credit recognition.
School of Economics and Political Science
Department of Economics and Business Sciences
Only accredited educational activities, with an indication of the Scientific Disciplinary Sector, are recognized, for which students can submit a request for preliminary evaluation and credit recognition.
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
For Social Service: certifications listed by the CLA. Students are encouraged to check the possibility of recognition by consulting the department's website. Pay attention to the issuance date of the certification: B1 level certifications are valid for 2 years from the issuance date, B2 level for 3 years, and C1 level for 4 years. Instructions for submitting the recognition request.
For all other study programs, recognition is carried out according to the procedures indicated by the department. For further information, please contact the department's educational office.