Registering for graduation
Attention: the new FAQ about the graduation application are now available
In order to graduate you must register for graduation on Uniweb by the deadline set for each graduation period.
The registration procedure is broken down into several steps and requires your supervisor to approve your dissertation title. In order to graduate, you must also have sat and recorded all the examinations of your study plan at least 15 days before the graduation dates. You must also have paid the tuition fees and have submitted your dissertation in accordance with the procedure and by the set deadlines. If you do not pay the revenue stamp for graduation, your student’s records cannot be approved.
Qualifying degrees
For qualifying degrees, i.e. master's degrees from the School of Psychology, single-cycle degree programmes in Medicine and Surgery, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacy, bachelors in Biological Plant Production and Digital Technologies for Building and Territory, it is necessary to pay the state tax and the regional tax before taking the final exam, as provided for by Articles 176 and 190 of RD 1592 of 31/08/1933:
- the state tax of € 49,58 must be paid into postal current account no. 1016 made out to the Agenzia delle Entrate - Pescara operational centre - school fees (University), using the pre-printed form available in all post offices;
- the regional qualification tax must be paid by following the instructions on the Veneto Region's web page.
When to register for graduation
Academic Year 2024-2025
First period: graduations from Monday, February 17, 2025 to Thursday, April 17, 2025
Application for graduation: from Monday, November 18, 2024 to Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Second period: graduations from Wednesday, June 18, 2025 to Friday, July 25, 2025
Graduation application: from Monday, February 24, 2025 to Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Third period A: graduations from Monday, September 1, 2025 to Saturday, October 25, 2025
Graduation application: from Wednesday, June 18, 2025 to Tuesday, July 15, 2025
Third period B: graduations from Monday, November 3, 2025 to Saturday, December 13, 2025
Graduation application: from Monday, August 18, 2025 to Tuesday, October 7, 2025
Note: third period A and third period B are two different periods and therefore require two different applications to graduate.
Bachelor’s Degrees in health-related professions are subject to the graduation periods established in the decree by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
How to register for graduation
The application procedure is available in the section ‘Diploma attainment’ on Uniweb and is broken down into the following steps:
- Inserting dissertation information: title, title in English, keywords and supervisor
Note: if your dissertation is written in English you must insert the same title twice, both in the field ‘dissertation title’ and in the field ‘dissertation title in English’. - fill in the Almalaurea questionnaire.
- Approval of the dissertation title by the supervisor.
- Registering for graduation upon choosing when to graduate.
Only at this point your application is correctly submitted and you will find the payment slip of € 16.00 in the section ‘Contributions’ on Uniweb.
Note: the whole procedure must be finalised by midnight on the last day of the application period.
Further information is available in the dedicated user’s guide.
Students of Primary Teacher Education (four-year degree programme prior to the Italian M.D. 509/1999) must follow a specific procedure
How to change your application
Cancelling dissertation information: if you wish to cancel your dissertation information you previously inserted, you can email conseguimentotitolo.studenti@unipd.it before the application period closes.
Changing the dissertation title: Your supervisor is required to email conseguimentotitolo.studenti@unipd.it and specify the latest version of the dissertation title (both in Italian and in English) as well as your student ID.
Changing the supervisor: New supervisors are required to email conseguimentotitolo.studenti@unipd.it to notify they are going to replace the previous supervisor. In the email they must also specify the latest version of the dissertation title (both in Italian and in English) and your student ID.
Changing the dates when to graduate within the same period: if more than one set of dates is available within the same period, you can apply to graduate later in the same period by emailing conseguimentotitolo.studenti@unipd.it before the last day of the first set of dates you initially registered for.
Note: you cannot graduate before the dates you initially registered for.
Graduating in the next period: to graduate during the period following the one you registered for, you are required to cancel your previous registration on Uniweb and submit a new one by the set deadlines. If no changes are to be made to the title/supervisor, you will keep the approval you gained on your first registration. However, you will have to pay € 16.00 through the new payment slip.
Tuition fees payment
If you are enrolled in a degree programme pursuant to the Italian M.D. 509/1999 and 270/2004, in order to graduate you must pay the following tuition fees, according to the graduation period:
- if you are graduating in the first period (from February to April), you must have paid the first and the second instalment for the current academic year;
- if you are graduating in the second period (from June to July), you must have paid all the tuition fees for the current academic year;
- if you are graduating in the third period A or B (from September to December), you must have paidall the tuition fees for the current academic year; you are exempt from the first instalment of the tuition fees for the following academic year.
If you are enrolled in the last year of a degree programme prior to the Italian M.D. 509/99 and you are graduating by April, you are exempt from the first instalment of the tuition fees for the current academic year.
If you are enrolled in a health-related degree programme (Class 1-4SNT) and you are graduating in any graduation period that starts before April and you have all the certificates of attendance by September , you are exempt from the first instalment for the current academic year.
Further information on fees can be found at: https://www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees
Graduation photography
You are free to choose either a professional or a non-professional photographer or even a relative of yours to take pictures and record videos of your graduation day.
Only the selected photographers will access the area of the final examination to either photograph or record it.
The University is not to be considered as a party involved in the agreement between you and the photographer and is not at all responsible for it.
Photographers cannot photograph other people without their consent. Photographers’ activity must not interfere with the ongoing final examination nor drive the graduating student and the committee to distraction. Photographers who do not abide by these simple rules of conduct will be asked to leave the room.
Please note that the University is finalising ‘Photography regulations during the graduation day’. There are no agreements between accredited photographers and the University which does not have a list of photographers to provide you with.
After your graduation, you are ready to join the Alumni Association!
Student office
Casa Grimani
Lungargine del Piovego 2/3, 35131 Padova
Call centre tel. +39 049 8273131