General information on Google Services for University of Padua students
Who has access to Google Suites?
All those with an active @studenti.unipd.it account can access Google Suites by using the same login credentials used to access UniWeb (which is used to manage university procedures online, such as registering for exams), Moodle and all the University's institutional apps.
Access to Google Suites using the @studenti.unipd.it domain occurs exclusively via browser or mobile apps and Single Sign On authentication, available at the link http://webmail.studenti.unipd.it
Please note that some customizable email clients service, such as Thunderbird, may not permit access.
Who has access to Google Suites?
All those with an active @studenti.unipd.it account can access Google Suites by using the same login credentials used to access UniWeb, which is used to manage university procedures online, such as registering for exams.
Access to Google Suites using the @studenti.unipd.it domain occurs exclusively via browser or mobile apps and Single Sign On authentication, available at the link http://webmail.studenti.unipd.it
Please note that some customizable email clients service, such as Thunderbird, may not permit access.
How can students obtain login credentials?
Once enrollment is completed, usernames are communicated via email together with an enrollment number to personal addresses as name.surname@studenti.unipd.it (please note, to avoid duplications, numbers may be added after some surnames). Passwords are the same as those used to enter UniWeb upon registration.
Managing your password
Valid password: how can I change passwords?
At the www.uniweb.unipd.it/password page, go to "Change Password" and enter the username in the first field (complete with @studenti.unipd.it) and your current password in the second field then enter the new password.
Forexpired or forgotten password, go to the www.uniweb.unipd.it/password page and request access by answering a security question or request access through the personal email address used when registering the “Personal Data” section of the UniWeb page.
IMPORTANT: the personal email address entered during registration (not @studenti.unipd.it) is already present on UniWeb however, it can be modified at any time by entering Uniweb and going to the “Education” area “Personal data”.
If the password recovery procedure is not successful, you can request a new password by requesting an activation code at https://web.unipd.it/com/reset-password-sso
A new "password activation code" will be sent to your selected personal email address. Using this code, you will be able to access your account again, you will need to set your three questions with security answers and a new password.
What if I can’t remember my @studenti.unipd.it email address?
In most cases, the email address is formatted as name.surname@studenti.unipd.it. The e-mail address can be found through the online procedure at the link, you will need to include your Italian tax code (codice fiscale). Please note that any errors to your assigned @studenti.unipd.it email address must be reported to the student secretariats.
Password security
The access credentials to the University Google Suite also gives access to data on UniWeb and therefore must be carefully guarded. System managers will never ask you to give your login credentials, not even via email. We also remind you that when using shared devices, please log out at the end of use to protect unauthorized access to your data.
Validity and expiration of email data
Upon graduation, access to the Google Suite is maintained for an additional two years, two alerts are sent before the deadline (14 and 7 days before).
Access to the Google Suite will not be permitted for those who are not up to date with payment or tuition fees or for those who have suspended their studies.
Transition from an undergraduate to graduate studies.
A student's career ends with the achievement of an undergraduate degree. If the same student enrolls in the first year of a graduate degree program, a new university career will begin.
Depending on the period between these two moments, different situations may occur:
- if less than 24 months pass, access to the Google Suite will not be interrupted; but if the password had expired you must change the password
- if between 24- and 26-months pass, the student receives expiration notices and 24 months after graduation the Google Suite will no longer be accessible but your data not be deleted. Upon re-enrolment, access to the Google Suite is restored and the student will be able to access it again by changing the password; any previous correspondence will remain available
- if more than 26 months pass, the data contained in the student's Google Suite (email, drive, etc.) is deleted. A student will enter as a new Google Suite user, but with the same @studenti.unipd.it email address along with the password set to access Uniweb.
Google Suite follows the Google Privacy Policy
Call Centre
For all problems using your @studenti.unipd.it email address, you can contact the Call Centre by telephone at 049.8273131, Monday-Friday 9:00 – 17:00. The Call Centre helps students solve issues or can direct them to appropriate support services.