The University of Padua’s Moodle platforms
Moodle is the e-learning platform adopted by the University of Padua. It is an online teaching tool that works as a support to traditional classes. Moodle allows educators to create online lesson resources for students, to communicate and post information on course units and lessons, and to create assignments, exercises, tests and much more.
The University of Padua provides various Moodle platforms for course units, post-graduate programmes, research community, projects areas.
All Moodle platforms can be accessed through single sign on, which allows students and staff members of the University of Padua alike to log in by using the same credentials for their email box.
List of all the Moodle platforms of the University of Padua
Department's Moodle platforms
- Agronomy, Food, Natural resources, Animals and Environment – DAFNAE
- Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of art, Cinema and Music - DBC
- Biology - DiBIO
- Comparative biomedicine and Food science - BCA
- Private law and critique of law - DPCD
- Public, international and community law – DiPIC
- Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied psychology - FISPPA
- Physics and Astronomy ‘Galileo Galilei’ - DFA
- Geosciences
- Civil, environmental and architectural engineering – ICEA
- Information engineering – DEI
- Industrial engineering – DII
- Mathematics – DM
- Medicine - DIMED
- Animal medicine, production and health – MAPS
- Molecular Medicine - DMM
- Developmental psychology and socialisation - DPSS
- General psychology - DPG
- Women’s and children’s health - SDB
- Biomedical sciences - DSB
- Cardiac, thoracic, vascular sciences and public health
- Chemical sciences – DiSC
- Surgery, oncology and gastroenterology – DiSCOG
- Pharmaceutical and pharmacological sciences – DSF
- Economics and management ‘Marco Fanno’ – DSEA
- Political Science, Law and International Studies – SPGI
- Statistical sciences
- Historical and geographic sciences and the ancient world - DISSGeA
- Linguistic and literary studies - DISLL
- Management and engineering – DTG
- Land, environment, agriculture and forestry – TESAF
Other active platforms
- University Language Centre (CLA)
- Human Rights Centre ‘Antonio Papisca’
- Rovigo University Consortium - Cur
- Civil Service
- Polo multifunzionale Vallisneri
- Student Service Office - Guidance and Tutoring
- The University Library System
- University Offices
- Digital Learning and Multimedia Office
- Minutes of the University governance bodies
Digital Learning and Multimedia Office
Via del Padovanino, 9 - 35123 Padova,
tel. +39 049 827 8943/8949/8926/8909