Erasmus+: School of Economics and Political Science - DSEA
This page contains specific information for students enrolled in courses of the School of Economics and Political Science - Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno” (DSEA).
For any other enquiries regarding Erasmus+ For Studies, you should refer to the general information provided in the Call.
Mobility Unit Desk
Anna Gottardo
Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno”
Sede didattica via U. Bassi, 1 - V piano
Tel. +39 049 827 1290/1232, Fax +39 049 827 1225
Email: erasmus.economia@unipd.it
You can book an appointment with the departmental International Office through adedicated platform
Academic coordinator
Ambra Galeazzo
Department of Economics and Management (DSEA)
Via del Santo 33 - Padova
Email: erasmus.economia@unipd.it
Call 2025/26
Partner universities
Students should consult the websites of partner Universities paying close attention to the academic courses on offer for Incoming exchange students the area of discipline and the Erasmus Agreement between the two Universities. They can ask the Mobility Desk within the Department of Economics and Management for further information. Understanding the available course offer is fundamental to prepare the mandatory attachment "Activity proposal" and to get the maximum from the experience under the academic point of view.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Application Process
Students of the Department of Economics can choose 3 destinations, in order of preference.
For the application procedure and the related documentation, consult the page Applying to Erasmus.
Admission and selection criteria
Students of the Department of Economics can participate in the Erasmus+ studies call only if they are regularly enrolled in the second year of a first cycle degree programme or in the first year of a master degree programme.
Specific selection criteria, in addition to those set out in the University's general call for applications, can be found on on these pages:
List of successful applicants
The lists will be published exclusively on the Erasmus+ for studies page.
There will be no personal communications, neither written nor by telephone.
Successful students must accept their place according to the procedures and deadlines indicated on the page Accept Erasmus Place
Learning Agreement
Students must fill in the Learning Agreement on Uniweb before their departure. The LA must include the online links to the syllabi of the courses to be attended abroad.
Once the LA has been approved on Uniweb, the student will have to send it to the host Institution for their final approval.
The same procedure described above is foreseen if students need to change their Learning Agreement. The student is allowed to change it only once per semester and no later than 30 days from the starting date of the classes at the host University. It is highly recommended to keep a copy of any document.
The approval of the study plan is based on the similarity between the courses offered by the home institution and the ones chosen by the student, available at the host Institution. It is possible in most cases, to match a course from your original study plan to an equivalent one offered by the partner University. Students must keep in mind that their chosen courses abroad must match to the Italian courses from the same academic year, in which the mobility takes place.It is NOT possible to subtitute compulsory courses foreseen for the years prior to departure.
The language courses, worth a maximum of 6 credits, can be added to the LA as free electives only if the chosen language is the official one spoken in the host country.
Only full exams and courses can be recognised. Exams and courses not fully completed will not be taken into consideration in the recognition.
Recognition of exams and credit transfer
After receiving the Transcript of Records, the Mobility Desk at the Department will proceed with the recognition procedure and contact you after the grades have been assigned in the dedicated section of the Learning Agreement in Uniweb.
Changing the Learning Agreement for recongnition purposes may be needed, in these cases students are contacted by the Mobility Desk with instuctions
If the partner University uses the ECTS or a system that allows the direct conversion of educational credits into ECTS credits, the activity carried out abroad will be recognised in accordance with the approved Learning Agreement and table, pursuant to the guidelines detailed in the decision of the Academic Senate on 13/04/2015.
Foreign grades can instead be converted to the ECTS system by using the official table set by UNIPD.
The conversion from ECTS grades to Italian ones (expressed in a thirty-point scale) will be applied in accordance with European rules outlined in the ECTS grade distribution table.