Erasmus+: School of Science - scientific area
This page contains information on the Erasmus+ for studies 2025/26 Call for students of the School of Science, including these Departments:
- Department of Chemical Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Department of Physics
- Department of Geosciences
- Department of Mathematics
Mobility Unit Desk
Alessandra Miola
Via G. Jappelli 1 (School of Science II floor)
tel. +39 049 827 5758 , Fax +39 049 827 5069
email: erasmus.scienze@unipd.it
Receiving hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00-13:00
For appointments in presence send an e mail to erasmus.scienze@unipd.it
Academic Coordinator and Head of the Internationalisation Board
Francesca Bassi
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Via C Battisti 241/243
tel + 39 049 8274152
e-mail: bassi@stat.unipd.it
Call 2025/26
General Information
For all general matters regarding the Erasmus+ for studies Call, students should refer to the page Apply to Erasmus
For any information regarding the available destinations for the various degree courses, students should contact their Academic Coordinator (responsabile di flusso). Students are also recommended to consult the webpages of the partner universities, to research the educational courses on offer, and check that they can link to the Italian Learning Agreement.
Partner Universities
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements.
You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Admission criteria
According to the School of Science’s guidelines, students enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor’s degree programme cannot participate in the Erasmus + for studies call, except those enrolled in the degree courses ‘Informatics’ and ‘Natural Sciences’, and the two bachelor courses belonging to Department of Statistical Sciences.
For admission criteria for all other students, please refer to the general information given in the Erasmus+ for studies Call.
Submission of the application
Students of the School of Science can apply for two destinations in order of preference.
In the event that the student received a place at both destinations, they will be selected for their first choice.
Selection criteria and list of successful students
The selection and ranking of students is defined by special Commissions for areas of studies, as specified in the ‘Regolamento’ approved by the School (see below).
Applications will be assessed according to this general criteria:
- Similarity between the selected Italian courses to be substituted and those planned in the Learning Agreement. The number of courses in comparison with the duration of the mobility will also be considered
- Weighted average of the exams and numers of ECTS credits
- Linguistic knowledge of the host country’s language
Learning Agreement, period of study and recognition of activities
All students, before departing, must submit a Learning Agreement on Uniweb according to the procedures and deadlines explained in the Erasmus+ for studies Call.
After the Erasmus mobility, on the basis of the last approved Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records, the Academic Coordinator will carry out the recognition process for the activities carried out abroad. For more information see the page After the Mobility.
For the conversion of foreign grades to Italian grades according to European rules, consult the page conversion of the grades and ECTS tables.
For students who have not accumulated at least 12 ECTS credits during period abroad, the Erasmus mobility will be recognised as 'Zero Grant'. As a consequence, they will not be issued any monthly funding of the grant nor additional amounts and they will be asked to reimburse the funding have already received.