Supports and opportunities in the territory

The Athenaeum supports the participation of students with disabilities and learning difficulties in sports, cultural and associational activities.

In accordance with the European guidelines, the Student Services Office (Inclusion sector) promotes the importance of the use of free time both for students’ physical and mental wellbeing and for their autonomy.

In the territory of Padova you can find many activities to do in your free time: from volunteering to dance, from art to Paralympic sports.



CISV is an independent, non-profit international association, affiliated to UNESCO. It offers the opportunity for children, young people and adults to experience the charm and richness of cultural differences.

In  fact, CISV firmly believes that investing in the interaction between children with different cultural backgrounds and promoting opportunities for constructive confrontation in respect of different points of view  helps them to  respect and understand differences, recognize similarities, develop self- awareness and thus reduce the possibility of conflict.

Web site:




In-Oltre is an Association of Social Promotion (ASP) located in Albignasego, in the province of Padova.  It implements social and cultural projects, services and initiatives, as well as it aims to promote the culture of social inclusion through the realization and enhancement of opportunities for meeting and socialization between people. The method used is based on practical experiences that encourage the construction of a participatory community in which anyone, starting from their own possibilities, can feel they belong to it.

In-Oltre – Associazione di Promozione Sociale
Via Damiano Chiesa 6, 35020 - Albignasego (PD) 
Tel. 388-4214729 
Facebook: facebook/InOltre.associazione



The CUS - University Sports Center of Padova - is the most articulated sports center in the province. In collaboration with the University, the "Wheelchair Basketball" project has been developed, for which training and competitive activities are planned.


General secretariat and administration:
Via G. Bruno, 27 - 35100 Padova
Tel. 049/685222 - Fax 049/681761


“CIP” is an acronym standing for “Comitato Italiano Paralimpico” (Italian Paralympic  Committee). With Decree Law no. 43 of February 2017, the CIP obtained the formal recognition of Public Body, thus being legally equated to the CONI. The main tasks of the CIP are the recognition of any sports association for people with disabilities in Italy and the guarantee of maximum dissemination of the Paralympic idea and the fruitful introduction of people with disabilities to the practice of sport.

The sports available in Padova and its province are: athletics, wheelchair basketball, bowls, 5-a-side football, 7-a-side football, table football, rowing, cycling, cycling with hand bikes, dance, horseback riding, artistic gymnastics, swimming, weight training, powerchair hockey, wheelchair rugby, fencing, tennis, wheelchair tennis, tennis, target shooting, shooting, archery, trail-orienteering, triathlon, baskin.

For information, contact the Veneto Regional Committee at the addresses indicated below.

Headquarters of the Veneto Regional Committee:
c/o Stadio Euganeo - Curva nord
Viale Nereo Rocco 60 -35135 Padova

phone: +39 049/8658485 - Fax +39 049/8658486

Open  from Monday to Friday: 09.30-13:00/14:00-17:00



 The Student Services Office (Inclusion sector), through the collaboration with the Department of Medicine, wants to promote the culture of movement and physical activity among students with disabilities enrolled at the University of Padova.

The activity consists in a personalized approach to movement, physical activity or sport that must give the students with disabilities an opportunity to perceive their body, optimize residual capacities and make the most of them for a positive insertion in the study and work environment.

The project, born from an idea of Prof. Andrea Ermolao of DIMED, in collaboration with Prof. David Sacerdoti and the Student Services Office ( Inclusion sector), is structured in such a way as to allow each interested student to meet a dedicated physiatrist for an evaluation of their needs and, subsequently, to participate in 8/10 meetings customizable in terms of time. Such meetings will be held within the didactic gymnasium of the course of studies in Technical Sciences of preventive and adapted motor activity  in Sant’Eufemia street, Padova.

Luca Deppieri
Student Services Office (Inclusion sector)
phone: 049 8275043



Baskin is a sport inspired by basketball and suited for anyone because, thanks to the changes made to some rules, it adapts to the diversity of people allowing them a real participation in the game.This sport is based on the principle of equity and both males and females can actively participate with any kind of disability that allows shooting in a basket. Baskin was born in 2003 in Cremona, from an idea of Antonio Bodini and Fausto Cappellini. In 2006 the Baskin Association was established with the aim of promoting this sport throughout the country and in 2017 the protocol of understanding of the MIUR for the promotion of Baskin in schools was signed. Today it is a sport practiced throughout Italy with regional championships of different levels.

In 2016 Baskin started to be practiced also in Padova thanks to Massimo Caiolo, who founded the Baskin Padova team with his collaborators.

For information about Baskin Padova you can contact Massimo Caiolo at 348-5274395, or consult the
Facebook page


STEP ABANO is a non-profit organization which promotes sport among people with disabilities, thanks to technicians, volunteers and  the  families of athletes. This association carries out activities in the pool (swimming), in the gym (mainly basketball, but also other recreational or sporting activities) and on the track (athletics is practiced only in the period of May/June). Each training session is attended by 10 to 20 athletes who are followed by a technician and by several volunteers.
STEP ABANO regularly participates in the regional basketball championship organized by SOI (Special Olympics Italy) in Veneto. One of the days of the championship -which is a travelling one- takes always place at the sports hall of Abano, in collaboration with this association. Depending on the availability of athletes and volunteers, STEP ABANO also takes part in other events and sports tournaments of basketball, athletics or swimming.


Via Puccini 49/A – Abano Terme (PD)
President of the association: Alfredo Maniero 338.8771455




InCo is a non-profit association  which promotes international exchange and contact, mutual tolerance and the stimulation of young people's intercultural sensitivity.

The Student Services Office (Inclusion sector), thanks to its long-standing relationship with the InCo association, annually recruits volunteers to provide support services for students with disabilities.

In recent years, the Student Services Office (Inclusion sector) has collaborated with volunteers mainly from Germany and InCo has been and is, at the present moment, the intermediary body between the German sending association Ijgd and the host organization, which precisely is the Student Services Office (inclusion sector).


Student Services Office - Inclusion

Useful contacts: 
Telephone: 049 8275038 

Open:  Monday and Wednesday 10 am to 1 pm 
Tuesday 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 4.30 pm
Thursday 10 am to 3 pm 
Friday 10 to 1 pm (by appointment only

Facebook page: Università di Padova Inclusiva