Archivio news

water nobel

The "Water Nobel" to Andrea Rinaldo


The world-renowned hydrologist and Professor at the University of Padua Andrea Rinaldo is awarded today, March 21, the Stockholm Water Prize 2023 for his ground-breaking research on river networks, demonstrating their significance in the spread of solutes, aquatic species, and diseases

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Fascetti Leon

Cooperazione scientifica Italia-Senegal: seminario sulla chirurgia pediatrica


Nell'ambito del programma curato da curato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale per le celebrazioni degli 800 anni dell'Ateneo, Francesco Fascetti Leon, docente del Dipartimento di Salute della donna e del bambino, ha partecipato ad un seminario a Dakar e visitato gli ospedali Albert Royer di Dakar-Fann e la nuova struttura pediatrica di Diamdiadio, entrambi specializzati nelle cure all’infanzia

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Join our Open Weeks - Spring Edition: meet your future professors!


From April until May prospective students from all over the world will have the chance to meet the Professors coordinating each English-taught degree programme at the University of Padua and get a deeper insight on the main academic features during the Open Weeks UNIPD 2023 - Spring Edition

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21 march

Palazzo Bo and the innocent victims of organized crime


On 21 March, Unipd participates in the annual National Day of Remembrance and Commitment, which honours the innocent victims of organized crime. The University’s chapter of the Libera contro le mafie Association, named after Camorra victim Silvia Ruotolo, marks a long list of names of innocent victims of the mafia in the ancient courtyard of Palazzo Bo

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cortile antico

Le storie e i nomi delle vittime innocenti delle mafie a Palazzo del Bo


Torna anche quest'anno l'iniziativa del presidio universitario di Libera contro le mafie in Cortile Antico di Palazzo del Bo.1069 fogli colorati raccontano i nomi e le storie delle vittime innocenti di mafia.

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