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Vqr: Padova prima per la valorizzazione dei giovani


Ai primi posti l'Ateneo di Padova per qualità e quantità della ricerca. A decretarlo, il rapporto 2015-2019 dell'Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (Anvur)

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resistenza e liberazione

Per il 25 aprile, festa della Liberazione 2023


Le attività didattiche sono sospese lunedì 24 e martedì 25 aprile, in celebrazione della liberazione d'Italia, ed anche gli uffici Unipd sono chiusi. Diverse le attività in programma.

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resistenza e liberazione

Celebrating Italy’s Liberation Day on 25 April


In observation of Italy’s Liberation against Nazi Fascism, the University suspends all its administrative and educational activities on Monday 24 April and Tuesday 25 April, while several study rooms remain open.

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Eternity between Space and Time: from consciousness to the cosmos (EST)


The international conference addresses a theme that is as important as it is impressive: eternity. Centro congressi Orto Botanico, May 19-20 / Teatro Ruzante, May 21, 2022

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ritmo circadiano

Analyzing the first results of the Unipd SleepRhythm initiative


An online article published in Frontiers in Neurosciences shares the first results analysed from the SleepRhythm Unipd initiative. The initiative was proposed by the University of Padua to improve the schedules and quality of sleep of its students.

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