Archivio news


You are ‘what you eat,’ but you are not ‘where you live'


Researchers from the University of Turin, Trieste, and Padua examined the food choices of six populations along the Silk Road. Their work, published in PNAS, discovered that our food preferences depend more on age, biological sex and other cultural factors rather than where we are born or live

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5 million euros awarded to Unipd’s H-HOPE project from the European commission


Almost 5 million euros have been awarded to the Hidden-Hydro Oscillating Power for Europe project (H-HOPE) of the University of Padua, which seeks to develop an innovative technological solution to recover the residual energy of water found in unexploited waters, such as water distribution and purification networks, drainage channels, and underwater and lagoon currents

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Families in times of accelerated societal and demographic changes


'Families in times of accelerated societal and demographic changes' is the title of the workshop which takes place in Abano Terme from 11 until 14 January, to allow early career scholars and senior researchers to discuss in both formal and informal ways cutting-edge papers, suggesting new hypothesis, specific case studies, comparative studies around the themes of family changes in challenging times

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study rooms

Sstudy room designed by Gio Ponti: 65 new seats for students to study


Unipd adds 65 new seats that students can reserve for study in the rooms housed with the original furnishings designed by the architect Gio Ponti. As of Monday 14 November, the study rooms of Palazzo Bo will be available Monday to Friday from 7 am to 10 pm and on Saturdays from 7 am to 6 pm

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Identifying dust-rich galaxies in the early Universe


Published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society journal under the title JWST unveils heavily obscured (active and passive) sources up to z~13 the scientists identified a source that appeared to be redder and darker than predicted by cosmological models simulating the formation and evolution of galaxies

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