Procedures for incoming students - International Joint Programmes

Students participating to a Joint/Double Degree programme (including Erasmus Mundus) will be nominated directly by their Home University or by the Coordinator of the international study programme.

International candidates willing to enrol in a Joint/Double Degree programme shall apply either at their home institutions or at the Coordination of the Erasmus Mundus project.

As soon as Unipd receives the list of students participating to a double degree programme, the Mobility Unit will contact the students to instruct them on the further steps to be followed.

Joint/ Double Degree students who have also an Erasmus+ scholarship must follow these procedures and not the Erasmus+ students procedures.

Please download here the Information sheet, a summary of procedures and services for incoming students of international joint programmes.


Student nominations by Partners:

  • 30 April for the first semester and the full academic year
  • 15 October for the second semester

To be sent by email to:

Application form: 

  • 15 June for the first semester and the full academic year
  • 15 November for the second semester

Accommodation form:
students will be personally invited by email to fill out the Accommodation form aroundMay/Juneand October/November.>

Relevant procedures - Joint/double Degrees

Double/Joint Degrees (homepage)
Before your arrival
On your arrival
During your stay
At the end of your stay

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