The Guarantee Committee
The Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, and the enhancement of the well-being of those who work and against discrimination is a joint collegial body established under art. 21, paragraph 1, letter. c), of Law 183/2010. Active at the University of Padua since 2013, the committee works for the benefit of all those who work and study at the University. In continuity with the activities carried out by the pre-existing joint committees on the phenomenon of mobbing and by the Equal Opportunities Committee, the Guarantee Committee works to create a dignified organizational environment for all.
All those who work and study at the University of Padua are invited to contact the Guarantee Committee for clarifications and to send reports or proposals for issues concerning equal opportunities, and improvements for a healthier work-life balance and towards the fight against discrimination.
The Guarantee Committee - CUG
To contact the CUG please send a message to: