Erasmus+ Projects at UNIPD
The University of Padua coordinates and participants in several Erasmus+ Projects.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
- AMASE - Joint European Master Programme in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
- BDMA - Big Data Management and Analytics
- CCD-STeDe - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development *
- GLOFOR - EMJM in Global Forestry
- MEDFOR – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Course in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management
- NEURODATA - International Master in Brain and Data Science
- NUCPHYS - European Master in Nuclear Physics
- PLANTHEALTH - European Master Degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems
- SUFONAMA - Master in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
- TPTI - Techniques, Patrimoines, Territoires de l'Industrie: Histoire, Valorisation, Didactique
Further information: https://www.unipd.it/en/erasmus-mundus-joint-master
*Coordinator: University of Padua
Erasmus Mundus Design Measures
- Transcultural Social Psychology – Transformation Process in Work, Environment, Society - TranSoPsy
Capacity Building in Higher Education
- ICT4EDU - Enhancing ICT Competencies of Early Childhood Educators at HEIs in MENA Countries (Call 2022)
- IFI - Innovative Finance Inclusion in Academia and Field (Call 2020)
- VAMOS - Virtual Exchange to Tackle Wicked Problems: Latin American and European Collaboration on Education for Sustainable Development (Call 2020)
- Lab-Movie - Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam universities (Call 2019) *
- BUzNet - B-learning Uzbekistan Veterinary Network (Call 2017)
- ICMED - International Credit Mobility: a new challenge for the Mediterranean Region (Call 2017) *
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Cooperation Partnerships for Higher Education
- EVERYONE - Energy Harvesting Europe Young Engineers (Call 2023)
- EEDUSIM - Training in Healthcare Education with Simulation (Call 2022) *
- E-MEDICS - Effectiveness of Medicine E-learning Distance Courses (Call 2022)
- TOMATO - Toolbox for Object-based Methods of Academic Teaching Online (Call 2021)
- LETHE - (e-)Learning the invisible history of Europe through material culture (Call 2021)
- DigiChem - Creating a digital study environment for sustainable chemistry (Call 2021)
- OPT2LEARN - Online Peer-Tutoring system for more successful and inclusive learning within Higher Education in Europe (Call 2021)
- IMEDiL - Inclusive Mathematics Education Base on Digital Learning (Call 2021)
- VitEnoClimat - Improving the educational background of viticulture and enology to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change (Call 2021)
- FEEF - From Educators to Entrepreneurial Facilitators - Creating an Ecosystem for Knowledge Transfer (Call 2021)
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Cooperation Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training
- KNOWMAN - Knowledge Management Training for KIBS SME (Call 2021)
- NUDGE - Nudge My Tour (Call 2021)
Cooperation Partnerships for Adult Education
- SELF-IN - A self-management learning model to foster the independence of people with intellectual disabilities (Call 2021)
- InteLACMarket - Integration, Counselling and Upskilling of Migrants and Refugees from Latin America and the Caribbean into the Labour Market (Call 2021)
- GrapePRODIGI - Support grape producers with digital tools to develop their precision farming approach (Call 2021)
Alliances for Innovation
- WeNaTour - The European Alliance for Innovation and Sustainability Education in Welfare, Nature and Tourism (Call 2022)*
- EnoTour - Creating a Multifunctional training platform to transform the business model of regional enotourism industries (Call 2022)
- Emma4EU - Innovation alliance for training programmes for deforestation-free supply chains in Europe (Call 2022)
- ENCORE - Enriching Circular Use of OER for Education (Call 2021)
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Jean Monnet Academic Modules
- AAIP - Appraisal and Analysis of Infrastructure Projects (Call 2023) *
- Theory and Practice of Multi-level governance *
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
- Climate Justice: Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet (Call 2020) *
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Jean Monnet Networks
- EUAMI - European Values and Migration (Call 2023) *
- EuromediApp - European Media and Platform Policies (Call 2020)
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Knowledge Alliances
- GREEN4C - Alliance on Interdisciplinary Learning and Entrepreneurial skills in Green for Health and Social Inclusion (Call 2019) *
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
- WildSkills EU - Tackling skills gap in the wildlife conservation sector (Call 2020)
- Train4DiM - Training for dimensional metrology in digital manufacturing (Call 2020)
- GeoPlaNet Strategic Partnership (Call 2020)
- DE4PP - Death Education for Palliative Psychology (Call 2019) *
- DiTEMP - Digital Transformation and Employability: acquiring transversal competences in curricular education (Call 2019) *
- Arriver en Europe, partir d'Europe: trajectoires marocaines et turques (Call 2019)
- CONNECT - Connecting Career Counselling and Human Resource Development in Enterprises for Higher Education and Training in Practice (Call 2019)
- FACE-IT - Fostering Awareness on Programme Contents in Higher Education using IT tools (Call 2019)
- HILAR - Integrated Methodologies to Historical Landscapes Recording: Participatory Approaches (Call 2019)
- CoPOEM - Platform for the Collaborative Generation of European Popular Music (Call 2019)
- Q-HELP - Higher Education Learning Platform for Quantitative Thinking (Call 2019)
- MY GEO - Geo tools for Modernization and Youth employment (Call 2018) *
- SHOUTOUT4SDGS - European Cooperation for Social Responsibility (Call 2018)
- INTALL - International and Comparative Studies for Students and Practitioners in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (Call 2018)
- IntRef - Intercultural Reflection on Teaching (Call 2018)
- NICE - Network for Intercultural Competence to facilitate Entrepreneurship (Call 2017)
- CMinaR - Counselling for Refugee and Migrant Integration into the Labour Market (Call 2016)
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Strategic Partnerships for School Education
- p.s. SMILE - Socio-emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education (Call 2019)
- VIA Culture - VIA Culture: European Cultural Heritage for Vocabulary In Action (Call 2018)
- SO-PR-A - The teenager’s dilemma: Pro-Social or A-social behaviour? (Call 2018)
- SAVE - Schools Against Victimisation from an Early age (Call 2018)
- Jardin sans frontière : une école pour développer les compétences-clés en Europe (Call 2017)
Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training
- SFIB - Smart Farming Innovation Brokers: fostering the digital innovation hubs approach to increase modern farming potential (Call 2018)
- VIVET - Virtual Internships for Vocational Education and Training (Call 2017)
- WINGS+ - Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology in the Aeronautic Industry (Call 2016)
- CoMet 4.0 - European Training for Coordinate Metrology 4.0 (Call 2016) *
- ROI-MOB - Measuring Return on Investment from EU VET mobility (Call 2016)
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness (Call 2020)
- GO-DIJIP - Integrating digital collaborative environments into joint programmes*
- EDITOR - Learning how to Teach, Teaching how to Learn. Facing Challenges of Global Change in Higher Education Using Digital Tools for Reflective, Critical and Inclusive Learning on European Historical Landscape
- ENGINE - Teaching online electronics, microcontrollers and programming in Higher Education
- DG-MED - Digital competences of academic staff. A new dimension of Mediterranean studies
* Coordinator: University of Padua
Projects and Mobility Office
International Relations Division
Palazzo Anselmi
Lungargine del Piovego 1 - 35131 Padua, Italy