Equal Opportunities - Network
The University of Padua reiterates its commitment by entering into agreements with local, regional, and national institutions to implement operational strategies aimed at preventing and combating gender inequality, discrimination and violence.
Protocollo d’intesa Regione-Università (Italian website)
Protocollo di rete per il contrasto alla violenza contro le donne (Italian website)
Tavolo di lavoro Alleanze per la famiglia (Italian website)
Equal Opportunities and Gender Equality
Delegate: Gaya Spolverato
For more information on Equal Opportunity Policies please contact
The Office of Public Engagement: public.engagement@unipd.it
For information on work-life balance initiatives aimed at staff (including child care agreements, summer camp initiatives, transport, services, and working from home) please contact the Economic Treatment and Welfare Office: welfare@unipd.it
Each University of Padua Department has a dedicated person to contact regarding Equal Opportunities Policies.
List of Department contacts https://www.unipd.it/en/protection-guarantee-bodies