Submitting and changing the Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement Form must be used by students that participate in the Erasmus+ for studies Programme.
The Learning Agreement is the fundamental tool for formally recognising the activities carried out abroad.
Completing the Learning Agreement on Uniweb
All students are required to prepare the Learning Agreement on Uniweb according to the following deadlines:
- by 15th June: for students departing in the first semester
- by 15th October: for students departing in the second semester
After it has been approved by the Academic Coordinator, students must have the Learning Agreement signed by the Host Institution and upload it to the Mobility Online platform, along with the Attendance Certificate after your arrival at the Host institution.
Students that carry out thesis work and or doctoral studies abroad must attach to their Learning Agreement on Uniweb the letter from their Supervisor in Padova (form available at the end of this page).
The Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement is made up of four sections which must be completed gradually during the various phases of the mobility (before, during, after):
- Learning Agreement ‘before the mobility’: the Learning Agreement which must be submitted before the departure. Both tables A and B must be completed. In the case of thesis work and/or internship it is also necessary to attach the appropriate letter.
- Changes to Learning Agreement ‘during the mobility’: any changes to the original Learning Agreement
- Transcript of Records ‘after the mobility’: certification of the exams sat abroad and/or attestation of thesis work or internship carried out, issued by the institution abroad
- Recognition outcomes ‘after the mobility’: attestation of the Università di Padova on the recognition of activities carried out abroad.
Specific requirements of Schools, Departments or Degree Courses:
- Department of Economics and Management (DSEA): Erasmus+ outgoing
- SPGI Department: Tabelle per la compilazione del Learning agreement
- Engineering School:
- Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Department - Ingegneria civile, edile e ambientale (ICEA)
- Information engineering Department Ingegneria dell'informazione (DEI)
- Industrial Engineering Department Ingegneria industriale DII
- Technical Engineering and Management of Industrial Systems Department Tecnica e gestione dei sistemi industriali (DTG) - School of Human, Social and Cultural Heritage Sciences: Letter for internship lettera per attività di tirocinio for Master’s degrees or single-cycle master’s degree in Primary Education
It is recommended that the number of credits one wishes to take corresponds with the duration of the mobility (usually 30 credits for one semester, 60 credits for the entire year, obviously with margins of reasonably flexibility).
For submission procedures and signing of the Learning Agreement one should consult the guidelines given in the pages of the Mobiliy desk at Schools/Departments.