The Director General is responsible for the overall organisation and management of services and resources of the technical-administrative staff based on the strategic guidelines defined by the board of directors. The Director General was selected among a number of highly qualified candidates, each holding several years of experience in managerial roles.
CEO: Alberto Scuttari
As an expert in business process re-engineering and organizational systems, Scuttari has deep knowledge of the Italian and European university systems. Venetian by origin, Scuttari was formally educated in Padua and Milan. The following is a profile summary of Alberto Scuttari, General Director of the University of Padua.
Alberto Scuttari’s academic and profession curriculum includes his 1992 degree in Electrical Engineering, with a specialisation in Economics and Organization from the University of Padua. He continued his studies in Padua and earned his Doctorate Degree from which he acquired team working skills and other competencies needed to develop his professional career path, beginning with his role as international project manager in the private sector.
Scuttari then received his Executive Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Bocconi University Business Management School. This launched his second career in the management of public administration with an emphasis in the academic field, all while holding a teaching position at the CRUI Foundation and the Polytechnic University of Milan.
Among his achievements and professional roles, Alberto Scuttari held the position of Director General of Ca 'Foscari University in Venice from 2010 to 2016 and, as the Director General of ESU Padua from 1999 to 2010.
Continuing he role in university academic, he was the General Secretary of ANDISU (the Italian national association that guarantees the right to a university education) and a member of the National Observatory for the Right to University Study and, more recently, he is a member of the Committee for Housing and Residences for University Students, set up by the Ministry of Education and Research at the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Spa. Scuttari is also the author of several publications in the field of public procurement and sustainability.
He holds the role of Career Path Chairman at the HUMANE association, which brings together European university managers.
In September of 2020 he was appointed President of CoDAU (the Italian Association of University Administration General Directors) and as of January of 2021, he became a member on the Advisory Committee of ANVUR (the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research Systems).
Twitter: @ascuttari
Linkedin: https://it.linkedin.com/in/alberto-scuttari-152a9a23
Palazzo Storione
Riviera Tito Livio, 6 - 35123 Padova
tel.: +39 049 8273013
fax +39 049 8273022
e-mail: direttore.generale@unipd.it