Board of administration
The Board of administration has functions of strategic direction, management, and oversight of the administrative, financial, and economic-patrimonial activities of the University, as well as supervision of the financial sustainability of activities. It operates in accordance with the programmatic guidelines and directions expressed by the Academic Senate, defining the methods of implementation.
The Board of Directors is composed of the rector, five members from within the university community chosen from all the employed and tenured staff, three members not belonging to the University, and two student representatives.
Results (Italian version)
Resolutions with related attachments from October 2015 (access with SSO authentication)
Minutes (Italian version)
Calendar and agenda of the Board of administration (look at the Italian website)
Members of the Board of administration:
- Daniela Mapelli
Academic representatives
- Giuseppe Amadio
- Stefania Bruschi
- Giovanna Michelon
- Pietro Ruggieri
- Ilenia Maniero
External representatives
- Leopoldo Destro
- Marina Manna
Student representatives
- Samuele Dalla Libera
- Luca Petrangeli