Council of Department Directors
According to the University Statute, the Council of Department Directors is the coordinating body of the Departments and an advisory body to the University’s governing bodies, responsible for organizing the Departments' teaching, research, and third mission activities. It formulates opinions and proposals in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and is composed of the directors of the 32 Departments that make up the University of Padua.
Coordinator of the Council: Gianni Barcaccia
Members of the Council (Italian version)
Working groups of the Council (Italian version)
Executive Committee of the Council (Italian version)
Meeting calendar (Italian version)
Restricted area (Italian version)
Regulations (Italian version)
List of functions (restricted area) - (Italian version)
Council of Department Directors - Consulta dei direttori di dipartimento
Palazzo del Bo
Via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova
tel. +39 049 827 3541
e-mail: segreteria.consulta.dirdip@unipd.it