Flash Card Studio Unipadova
The students enrolling in the first year of a degree programme of the University of Padua are given the University Flash Card as a university badge.
The students who enrolled in previous academic years and those who register for single course units are given the standard badge (red and white): for further information and for duplicates, please email carriere.studenti@unipd.it
What is the University Flash Card and what does it do?
The students who enrolled before the 2018/2019 a.y. and those who register for single course units, post lauream (for instance PhD programmes and Short specialisation degrees) or other types of courses (24 educational credits) are given the standard badge: for further information and for duplicates, please email carriere.studenti@unipd.it
The University Flash Card serves as a university electronic personal badge to identify the holders as students of the University of Padua and allow them to access university services. It can also be upgraded to a card with financial purposes.
The Flash card is valid for 7 years, both if you continue with your studies at the next level and if you change your degree programme within the University of Padua.
What services and functions does it give access to?
- access to university areas (e.g.: laboratories);
- access to library loans;
- document services (photocopies, prints, scans) in libraries and photocopying areas;
- id checks before examinations;
- a wide range of discounts and special offers in shops and facilities;
- access to Bike sharing service (online subscription);
Access to ESU canteens: you no longer need your Flash Card to access, use a QRcode instead. Information on Esu’s website.
How can I upgrade my Card to a card with financial purposes? "Flash Up Studio”
Once you have received your Card, you can upgrade it to a card with financial purposes to have your scholarship or other study-related benefits credited to it.
Scholarships and other economic benefits may be credited to your bank account, provided you enter your bank account number (IBAN) into your personal area on UNIWEB. Remember you must be either the holder or joint holder of the bank account provided. Therefore, you should upgrade your Flash Card before entering your card’s IBAN. You can ask for your Flash Card to be upgraded to a Flash Up Studio Card, a prepaid card with your name on it, to the Intesa Sanpaolo branch located in Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 22/26, Padova.
By doing so, the card and its data remain the same: same IBAN, PIN, user code, expiry date, CVV number.
The Flash Up Studio Card allows you to pay by bank transfer and can be credited with salary or similar (scholarships, reimbursement of university fees, mobility grants, allowances for tutoring activities, etc.).
With your Flash Up Studio you can make payments in all the stores equipped with the Flash Up Studio’s card network, both in Italy and abroad.
Please note:
- the Card can be charged up to €10,000
- the daily limit for cash withdrawal from ATMs is €500.00
Further information is available in the information leaflet on the bank’s website.
How do I receive it?
If you have duly filled out your profile on Uniweb, you will receive an email from the bank confirming the shipment. You will have your Flash Card delivered to the address you entered into Uniweb within 30-40 days of the date of the confirmation email.
May I collect the Flash Card in person?
Only under specific circumstances.
You will be asked to collect the Flash Card in person only if you provided a non-Italian address, or in case of problems with delivery (for instance, no surname on the doorbell).
Those who have been contacted to collect the Flash Card have to book an appointment on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays at the following link: https://web.unipd.it/prenotazionicarriere/?page_id=207.
The office is located in Padova (PD) in Lungargine del Piovego 2/3, zip code: 35131.
Have you just received your Flash Card?
You can activate it at the dedicated link; you must carry it with you at all times: it serves to identify you as a student of the University of Padua.
The activation of the Card is crucial for security reasons, because it guarantees you are the legitimate holder. Plus, it gives you access to the University’s services.
What if the Flash Card has not been delivered yet?
Only the students who filled out their Uniweb profile properly (photo, address, ID card) will have the Flash Card delivered.
If you have yet to receive an email from the bank confirming the shipment, please check you entered:
- passport photo;
- Full address, street and house number, maximum 28 characters with spaces;
- ID card, duly filled in.
If all the information has been filled in correctly but you have not received a confirmation email yet, please open a ticket in this portal.
In the meanwhile, you are granted access to all Unipd services.
You are allowed to:
- Sit examinations: with your ID card and the self-certification with examinations, available for download on Uniweb;
- Receive scholarships and benefits: you may enter another IBAN into Uniweb (you must be the bank account holder). For further information, contact the Student Service Office at benefici.studenti@unipd.it;
- Access to ESU canteens: use the QRcode to access. Information on Esu’s website.
- University Services: electronic badge, through MyUnipd app
What can I do if my Flash Card gets lost, damaged, or demagnetised?
To request a duplicate flash card (or badge) as a result of loss or damage/ demagnetization, it is necessary to open a request on the dedicated portal by selecting Area Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti ADISS / CARTA FLASH/BADGE/ Richiesta duplicato Carta flash/ Carta smarrita o danneggiata with the following text:
“I undersigned first name last name student number, request a duplicate of my flash card and the blocking of my previous flash card as a result of its loss. Attached is the receipt.”
You must also attach the receipt for the €12 payment, made through PagoPa and selecting as 'Reason for payment' the reason “DIDA-19 - Other”
If the Flash Card is active with financial functions, it is necessary to call, before sending the request, the Emergency Card Service to block the card:
- From Italy, toll-free 800.303.303;
- From abroad, +39. 011 8019200 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a fee, according to the rates applied by the telephone operator).
What can I do if my Flash Card gets stolen or cloned?
To request a duplicate flash card (or badge) id it get stolen/cloned, it is necessary to open a request on the dedicated portal by selecting Area Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti ADISS / CARTA FLASH/BADGE/ Richiesta duplicato Carta flash/ Carta rubata/clonata with the following text:
“I undersigned first name last name student number, request a duplicate of my flash card and the blocking of my previous flash card as it was stolen. Attached is the report of theft.”
A report of theft or cloning filed with law enforcement agencies must also be attached.
If the Flash Card is active with financial functions, it is necessary to call, before sending the request, the Emergency Card Service to block the card:
- From Italy, toll-free 800.303.303;
- From abroad, +39. 011 8019200 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a fee, according to the rates applied by the telephone operator).