Email, Wi-fi and mobile phones
Institutional Email
All students at UniPD are given an email address @studenti.unipd.it, which is activated after enrolment. Username and password are the same to log in to Uniweb. You can use your institutional email via browser only. "Calendar" and "Contacts" tools are integrated in your account.
Mobile phones
If you cannot/do not want to use the International Roaming, an Italian SIM card is surely the best option to use your mobile phone once you are in Italy. You can get either a prepaid SIM card (ricaricabile), which can be recharged at tobacconists', bars, ATMs or online, or a postpaid SIM card (abbonamento), i.e. a contract at a fixed monthly rate.
SIM cards can be charged according to a wide range of different mobile phone tariffs provided by Italian companies: make sure you choose the most suitable for you and you check carefully the terms and conditions!
Padova Wi-fi
Padua, just like a growing number of other cities around the world, has opened up a series of free Wi-Fi hotspots in the most beautiful parts of the city easily accessible to the public. Thanks to PADOVAweb, anybody can have free internet access. You can navigate the web as if you were at home, and freely connect through your instant messaging, VoIP and video applications to anyone around the world while sitting in many open spaces in the city.
WiFi connection is available in many university facilities and city places.
More informations about PADOVAweb
The University of Padua is expanding the Eduroam network’s coverage in its areas. The network is open to all students and staff members of the University of Padua as well as to guests coming from other institutions participating in the education roaming.