Erasmus+: School of Medicine - medical area
This page contains specific information for students of degree course of the School of Medicine belonging to the following Departments:
Medical area:
- Department of Neurosciences - NPSRR
- Department of Women’s and Children’s Health - SDB
- Department of Biomedical Sciences - DSB
- Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences - DCTV
- Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology - DISCOG
- Department of Medicine - DIMED
- Department of Molecular Medicine – DMM
Pharmaceutical area:
- Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - DSF
For any other enquiries regarding Erasmus+ for Studies, you should refer to the general information provided in the Call and meanwhile:
- for the medical area to the School of Medicine's website
- for the pharmacy area to the Department's website
Mobility Unit Desk
Sofia Levorato
School of Medicine
Via San Massimo, 33 Padova
Ph +39 049 827 5369
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - DSF
Via Marzolo, 5 – Padova
Ph +39 049 827 5049
E-mail: international.medicinachirurgia@unipd.it
Opening hours (via Zoom, by appointment via Setmore only: Monday to Thursday from 2 pm to 3 pm
Academic coordinator Medical Area
Andrea Cignarella
Department of Medicine DIMED
via Giustiniani 2 - 35128 Padova
Tel 049 821 4272
Fax 049 821 8680
E-mail: andrea.cignarella@unipd.it
Academic coordinator Pharmacy Area
Maria Cecilia Giron
Department of Pharmacy DSFARM Largo E. Meneghetti, 2 - 35131 Padova
Tel 049 827 5091
Fax 049 827 5366
E-mail: cecilia.giron@unipd.it
Call 2025/26
Partner Universities
You are advised to consult the websites of the partner universities, paying particular attention to the training offer and the deadlines set for the submission of the necessary documentation. Although, to inquire from the person responsible for the flow of the destinations of interest in order to identify the examinations to be taken abroad which should be included, in the original language, in the draft study plan to be attached to the application.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Application and admission requirements
For the students of the School of Medicine, pertaining to the departments included in the Medical Area, there are exchange places available for the following degree courses:
- Medicine and Surgery (Italian language)
- Medicine and Surgery (English language)
- Dentistry
- Health Assistance
- Dietetics
- Professional Education
- Physiotherapy
- Nursing
- Dental Hygiene
- Speech Therapy
- Orthoptic
- Midwifery
- Sport
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- Audiometrics
- Audioprethesics
- Prevention
- Biomedical Lab
- Neurophysiopathology
- Radiotherapy
- Childhood Neuro and Psycomotricity
- Occupational Therapy
- Medical Biotechnologies
- Prevention Sciences
- Diagnostic Sciences
- Physical Activity
- Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
- Rehabilitation Sciences
For the students of the School of Medicine, pertaining to the departments included in the Pharmaceutical Area, there are exchange places available for the following degree courses:
- Chemistry And Pharmaceutical Techniques
- Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
- Applied Pharmaceutical Science
In the call for applications of each exchange, the cycle of study indicated is for:
- students of Bachelor's degree programs
- students of Master's degree programs
Students of single-cycle degree programs can apply for destinations of cycle 1 for departure in any year of attendance; they can apply for destinations of cycle 2 if they are leaving during their 4th, 5th or 6th year of attendance.
Some destinations, referred to as cycle 3, are also available for Ph.D. students.
Students of the School of Medicine have the possibility to indicate in the application two locations, in order of preference.
Students enrolled in the FIRST YEAR of a bachelor’s degree or a single cycle master’s degree can only access the selection if they have at least 15 credits registered in Uniweb.
Students enrolled in the years following the first can participate in the selection if they have acquired 40 credits at the time of submission of the application. For the students of the Master’s degree are also counted the Cfus acquired during the Bachelor’s degree.
For the application procedure and related forms, please see the following page Applying for Erasmus+.
Selection criteria and awarding of mobility places
The departmental Erasmus coordinator is in charge of awarding Erasmus mobility places. During the selection of applications, the following criteria, according to the flow coordinators and approved by the Erasmus Commission of the School of Medicine and Surgery, will be applied:
Up to a maximum of 100 points for study courses related to both the Medical Area and the Pharmaceutical Area:
- number of ECTS credits accumulated in relation to the year of enrolment: up to 30 points
- weighted average: up to 30 points
- proficiency in the host country’s language (in the case of Northen Europe countries and minor languages countries English is the lingua franca) - up to 20 points (according to the certified level from A1 to C2). You can also submit a self-certification of your language certificate; self-assessment of your language proficiency will not be considered. Bonus language up to 10 points. Total language knowledge score: max 30 points.
- interview or motivation letter; thesis abroad (documented) - up to 10 points
The departmental Erasmus coordinator can declare candidates with very low score ‘not eligible’ for the mobility place.
Ranking lists
The ranking lists will be published only in the section Erasmus+ studio of the University’s website. There will be no personal communication neither written or by phone calls.
If you are a successful student, you must accept your place in accordance with the procedure and the deadlines outlined on the web page Accept or decline your place.
Procedure for successful students
Registration for the University abroad: if you are a successful student, after accepting the mobility place, you are required to get all the documents to submit to the university abroad (Application Form, for the registration; Accommodation Form, for the accommodation; Learning Agreement, for the study plan). The above-mentioned documents must be submitted by the deadlines specified by the host University. If necessary, some of the documents may require to be signed by the departmental Erasmus coordinator. The office publishes the forms and all related information on its website.
Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement is an essential document for the activities carried out abroad to be recognized (both in the case of course units and thesis research activity) and it must be agreed on by the three parties involved: the student, the University of Padua and the partner University.
For instructions and information on the deadlines for the submission of the Learning Agreement, please visit the web page Submitting and changing your Learning Agreement.
When your Learning Agreement status ‘Approved’ is shown in Uniweb, you can submit it to the host University for the final approval. When submitting the Learning Agreement you must also make sure to follow the procedures defined by the host University and meet the set deadlines. Once you have received it countersigned, you must upload it in International Relations Division - Mobility Unit area.
At each subsequent change of the Learning Agreement you must submit a ‘New Learning Agreement’ on Uniweb.
Note: the activities not specified in the Learning Agreement will not be recognized.
The Learning agreement has to be agreed with the respective delegate teacher or with the flow manager
- Medicine and Surgery (Italian language): Andrea Cignarella andrea.cignarella@unipd.it
- Medicine and Surgery (English language): Silvia Bressan silvia.bressan1@unipd.it
- Dentistry: Eriberto Bressan eriberto.bressan@unipd.it
- Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Techniques – delegate teacher and Cecilia Giron
- Pharmacy - delegate teacher and Cecilia Giron
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies - delegate teacher and Cecilia Giron
- Applied pharmaceutical science - delegate teacher and Cecilia Giron
- Audiometrics Pietro Scimemi pietro.scimemi@unipd.it
- Audioprothesics Pietro Scimemi pietro.scimemi@unipd.it
- Biomedical lab: Matteo Fassan matteo.fassan@unipd.it
- Childhood neuro and psycomotricity: Silvia Carraro silvia.carraro@unipd.it
- Dental hygiene Edoardo Stellini edoardo.stellini@unipd.it
- Dietetics: Valerie Tickhonoff valerie.tickonoff@unipd.it
- Health assistance: Giovanni Cecchetto giovanni.cecchetto.1@unipd.it
- Midwifery: Alessia Selmin alessia.selmin@unipd.it
- Neurophysiopathology: Angelo Antonini angelo.antonini@unipd.it
- Nursing: Matteo Danielis matteo.danielis@unipd.it
- Occupational therapy: Riccardo Verza riccardo.verza@unipd.it
- Orthoptics: Elisabetta Pilotto elisabetta.pilotto@unipd.it
- Physiotherapy: Lucia Coppola lucia.coppola@unipd.it
- Prevention: Mirka Grigoletto mirka.grigoletto@unipd.it
- Professional education: Elena Tenconi elena.tenconi@unipd.it
- Psychiatric rehabilitation: Angela Favaro angela.favaro@unipd.it
- Radiotherapy: Eleonora Stefani eleonora.stefani@unipd.it
- Speech therapy: Cristian Leorin cristian.leorin@unipd.it
- Sport: Andrea Casolo andrea.casolo@unipd.it
- Diagnostic sciences: Gianmaria Pennelli gianmaria.pennelli@unipd.it
- Medical biotechnologies: Arianna Loregian arianna.loregian@unipd.it
- Nursing and midwifery sciences: Matteo Danielis matteo.danielis@unipd.it
- Physical activity: Tatiana Moro tatiana.moro@unipd.it
- Prevention sciences: Mirka Grigoletto mirka.grigoletto@unipd.it
- Rehabilitation sciences: Luciana Caenazzo luciana.caenazzo@unipd.it
Changing the date of departure, extending the period abroad, bringing forward the date of return
If you want to change the date of departure, the extension of stay abroad and early return, please follow the rules set out in the call.
Activities to carry out abroad for each degree programme
Course units, internships and thesis research are the activities you can carry out abroad for each degree program. NOTE: it is strictly forbidden to carry out internship activities only. If you choose one or more internship activities, you also have to associate at least one documented educational activity that you can choose among language course units, seminars, free-choice activities and others.
You have to attach to the application form a letter signed by your thesis supervisor in Padua (or by the Flow manager), declaring its willingness to have the student that is doing research work abroad in at the chosen university as well as the thesis topic / area.
Internship activities are subject to availability at the foreign university and they must be carried out alongside a period of study. The entire training period has to be supervised by the institute abroad where the student will also carry out a period of study
Recognition of the examinations sat abroad
Inform yourself with the partner university regarding the issuance and sending timelines of the Transcript of Records. If the document does not present a verifiable code or digital signature, you will need to request the partner to send it directly to erasmus@unipd.it from their institutional email address. Please make sure that the information in the Transcript of records is complete and correct. Once the Mobility office has received all the end-of-mobility documents, ToR included, and carried out the necessary checks, it will send a secured copy of the Transcript of Records to the Mobility desk which will initiate the recognition process. For additional information: www.unipd.it/en/after-mobility-erasmus-out.
Foreign grades can be converted into Italian grades (expressed in a thirty-point scale) in accordance with European rules outlined in the page conversion of the grades and ECTS tables.