Erasmus+: School of Science – Department of Statistical Sciences
You can also find specific information for students of the Department of Statistical Sciences (DSS) on the Department’s web pages. For further information concerning the Erasmus+ study programme call for applications, please consider the full text of the call.
Students of the Departments of the Science area can find more information on the dedicated web page.
Mobility Unit Desk
Alessandra Miola
Via G. Jappelli 1 (School of Science II floor)
Phone +39 049 827 5758
Fax +39 049 827 5069
E-mail: erasmus.scienze@unipd.it
Receiving hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00-13:00 both in presence and via zoom
For appointments in presence send an e mail to erasmus.scienze@unipd.it or erasmus@stat.unipd.it
Academic coordinator
Francesca Bassi
Department of Statistical Sciences
Via Cesare Battisti, 241
Phone +39 049 827 4152
E-mail: bassi@stat.unipd.it
Call 2025/26
Partner Universities
For further information on admission requirements, selection criteria, possible destinations, recognition procedures for examinations sat abroad and conversion of grades, see the web page Statistical Sciences - Study abroad.
You are advised to visit the partner Universities’ websites to check the educational courses and programmes on offer. When choosing the examinations you are going to sit abroad, you are invited to discuss it with the departmental Erasmus coordinator of the destination you are interested in. Do not forget that the above-mentioned examinations must be entered in their original language into the study plan proposal which must be annexed to the application.
All the destinations of 2nd cycle of study are only available for the Master's degree programme in Statistical sciences.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Application procedure
If you are a student of the Department of Statistical Sciences, you can apply for two destinations (but you will be awarded only one of the two).
Note: If you want to apply for thesis research activities abroad, you are required to annex a letter by the thesis supervisor of the University of Padua.
For information on the application procedure and the related documents, visit the web page Apply for Erasmus.
Admission requirements and selection criteria
The Department of Statistical Sciences selects students by assessing the application forms received and by interviewing each candidate. During the interview you will be required to explain why you applied for the chosen destination. When attending the interview you must have the Carriera dello Studente; The date of the interview will be published on the Department’s website (see the Italian website).
The ranking list will be drawn up in accordance with the criteria specified in the regulations available below.
To draft the activity proposal please follow the instructions on the Department’s web page in the section ‘Riconoscimento piani di studio Erasmus‘.
Ranking lists
NOTE: The ranking lists will be exclusively published at the Erasmus at the Department of Statistical sciences and on the University’s website in the section Erasmus+ Studio. These will be the only means of publication of the results.
There will be no personal communication neither written nor by telephone.
If you are a successful student, you must accept your place in accordance with the procedure and the deadlines outlined on the web page Accept or decline the Erasmus place
Recognition of the activity carried out abroad
The Erasmus mobility places are awarded also taking into consideration bonuses of Bachelor’s degree programmes. The above-mentioned bonuses are calculated according to the session when you graduate. For further information visit the Italian website, section Perché e come.
Conversion of grades
Foreign grades can be converted into Italian grades (expressed in a thirty-point scale) in accordance with European rules outlined the page Conversion of the grades and ECTS tables of Statistical Sciences.
Note: Starting from the a.y. 2020/21, if you have not accumulated at least 12 ECTS credits during your period abroad, the Erasmus mobility will be recognised as ‘Zero Grant’. As a consequence, you will not be issued any monthly funding of the grant nor additional amounts and you will be asked to reimburse the funding you have already received.