Erasmus+: School of Economics and Political Science - SPGI
Here you can find specific information for students of the School of Economics and political science within the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI).
The Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI) provides its students with a wide range of international educational opportunities within EU mobility programmes.
The Erasmus exchanges are promoted within a bilateral agreement between two Universities; the agreement is coordinated by an academic of the SPGI Department and an academic of the partner University. Each agreement establishes the number of mobility places available.
For specific information for students of the SPGI Department visit the Department’s web pages and the dedicated Moodle page.
Mobility Unit Desk
Anna Abou Merhi
Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI)
Tel: 0498274085
email: erasmus.spgi@unipd.it
Opening hours: by appointment only (registration on the dedicated Moodle page)
Academic Coordinator
Michele Di Bari
Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI)
Via Del Santo, 77 - Padova
Tel: 049 8273473
E-mail: michele.dibari@unipd.it
By appointment only
Call 2025/26
Partner Universities
For further information on destinations abroad and the courses and programmes on offer, you are advised to visit the partner Universities’ websites (paying particular attention to the courses offered, the field of study covered by the agreement and the faculty/department with which it was signed). When choosing the course units you are going to take abroad, you are invited to discuss it with the Mobility Unit Desk at SPGI Department. Do not forget that the above-mentioned courses must be entered in their original language into the Proposal of study activities which must be annexed to the application.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the "Study field" drop-down menu.
In the platform, the total number of months indicated under "Number" for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under "Total number".
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Language knowledge
To participate in the mobility programme you are required an adequate knowledge of the destination country’s language or of the language in which the courses are taught by the Partner Universities. The level of linguistic knowledge is established by the host University and the departure is subject to the presentation of the required certificates/documents within certain deadlines. It is therefore essential to know what is the level of language knowledge required by the Partners, which certificates/documents must be presented and it is the student's responsibility to obtain them within the deadlines set by the Partners.
Additional points will be given to students for the language knowledge, according to the SPGI selection criteria (for example to those who annex official language certificates to their application or students who have sat the language examination included in their study plan or TAL at CLA).
When the call for applications is published, the CLA provides dates to take the TAL to be used for Erasmus mobility at the application stage (more information on their website).
Selection criteria
Updated selection criteria are outlined in the decision made by the Council of the Department on 10 November 2022.
Application procedure
For information on the application procedure and the related documents, visit the web page Apply to Erasmus and read the selection criteria carefully in order to know exactly which documents to enclose or notes to write in the 'Additional Information' section for merit points, for language knowledge, for thesis mobility.
Lists of successful applicants
The lists will be published exclusively on the Erasmus+ for studies page. This page represents the only distribution channel
There will be no personal communications, neither written nor by telephone.
Successful students must accept their place according to the procedures and deadlines indicated on the page Accept Erasmus Place
Learning Agreement: completing the table
The Learning Agreement is an essential document for the activities carried out abroad to be recognised (both in the case of course units and thesis research activity).
For instructions on how to fill in the table and information on the documents required, visit the web page Submitting and Changing the Learning Agreement.
You must fill out the Learning Agreement according to the courses and programmes provided by the partner University and availableaccording tothe Erasmus agreement among the two Universities before your departure. Besides, the LA has to be agreed by the Erasmus coordinator of your degree programme (Referente Erasmus) and, but only if necessary, by the Erasmus coordinator of the destination (responsabile di flusso).
You are also required to annex the table for your degree programme in PDF format to the Learning Agreement on Uniweb. The table must be approved (at least for the first version) by the Erasmus coordinator of your degree programme before being uploaded.
At any subsequent change to the Learning Agreement, the latest version of the table can be uploaded.
The Learning Agreement countersigned by the partner University must be uploaded to your personal area on the Mobility Online platform (Servizio di Accesso Web - idp6-shib4).
Always store a copy of the documents.
Correspondence table - SPGI
Attach the correspondence table related to your own degree programme to the Learning Agreement to the changed versions of the Learning Agreement.
Here below there are some guidelines to fill in the table:
- you must fill in the table on your computer, not by hand
- do not forget to fill in the student’s data section
- in the column ‘examinations taken at the University’ indicate with an ‘X’ the examinations you have already taken at your University
- in the column ‘planned examinations/examinations taken abroad’ you must specify the examinations you are supposed to sit for abroad and their equivalent Italian examinations. The Erasmus examinations must be indicated with their original name in the foreign language
- in the column ‘ECTS credits’ you must specify the university educational credits of the Erasmus examination
- in the column ‘note’ you can type any additional note.
You are required to present the table to the Erasmus coordinator of your degree programme (Referente Erasmus), who has to check it and approve it. Then it must be uploaded to Uniweb along with the first Learning Agreement. The table must be updated according to future Changes to the Learning Agreement.
List of Erasmus coordinators for each degree programme
The Erasmus coordinators for the degree programmes of the SPGI Department are listed below. They approve the Learning Agreement in Uniweb as ‘home institution’ (University of Padua).
Recognition of exams taken abroad
After receiving the Transcript of Records, Mobility Unit Desk at the Department will contact you to recognise examinations.
If the partner University uses the ECTS or a system that allows the direct conversion of educational credits into ECTS credits, the activity carried out abroad will be recognised in accordance with the approved Learning Agreement and table, pursuant to the guidelines detailed in the decision of the Academic Senate on 13/04/2015 and on 15/12/2020.
Foreign grades can be converted into Italian grades (expressed in a thirty-point scale) in accordance with European rules outlined in the page conversion of the grades and ECTS tables.