Erasmus+: School of Law
This page contains specific information for students enrolled in degree programmes of the School of Law.
For all other enquiries you should refer to the general Call for Erasmus+ For Studies.
Mobility Unit Desk
Le Mi Hoa
Email: erasmus.giurisprudenza@unipd.it
based at Mobility Unit (Palazzo Anselmi, via Lungargine del Piovego, 1)
Academic Coordinators
Elena Buoso
Department of Public, International and Community Law (DIPIC)
Via VIII Febbraio 1848, 2 - Palazzo Bo - Padova
Claudia Sandei
Department of Private Law and Critique of Law (DPCD)
VIII Febbraio 1848, 2 - Palazzo Bo - Padova
Call 2025/26
Partner Universities
It is recommended that students consult the webpages of the partner institutions (paying particular attention to the academic courses on offer and to the language requirements) and that they contact the Mobility Unit Desk of the School of Law or the appropriate Academic Coordinator, in order to decide the exams that will be taken abroad, providing their names, in the original language, in the activity proposal to be attached to the application.
Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform: www.unipd.it/mobility-agreements
You must select your course of study from the "Study field" drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under "Number" for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under "Total number".
It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.
Application process
Students in the School of Law are able to apply to three destinations, in order of preference.
For application procedures and the relative documentation, consult the page Apply to Erasmus.
Admission and selection criteria
Specific criteria (additional to those indicated in the general Call) and selection criteria are outlined in the Regulations (2nd February 2021) available on this page. Upon successfully gaining a place at the first choice destination, the student automatically renounces the second and third choice; in the event that the student does not receive the place at their first choice, they will compete for the second or the third option.
University’s selection criteria is applied to University’s Bilateral Agreement destination (Arqus destination included)
List of successful applicants
The lists will be published exclusively on the Erasmus+ for studies page. These will be the only methods of publication.
There will be no personal communications, neither written nor by telephone.
Successful students must accept their place according to the procedures and deadlines indicated on the page Accept Erasmus Place
Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement is the essential document that allows the recognition of the activities completed abroad (courses or thesis work) and it must be agreed by all parties: the student, the Università di Padova and the University abroad.
For instructions and deadlines relative to the submission of the Learning Agreement on Uniweb, how to complete it and any documentation, students should consult the page submitting and changing the Learning Agreement.
Once the Learning Agreement is in the ‘Approved’ status on Uniweb, the student must send it to the Host University, in the appropriate format and within the relevant timescales, for the partner University’s final approval.
Every subsequent change to the first Learning Agreement must be submitted under ‘Nuovo Learning Agreement’ on Uniweb.
Any activities not included in the Learning Agreement cannot be recognised.
The Mobility Unit Desk at the School of Law, after having received the copy of the Transcript of Records from the Mobility Desk (as a protected PDF), will contact the student in order to proceed with the completion of the recognition.
The registration of activities carried out abroad must be completed according to the last Learning Agreement approved on Uniweb and the Transcript of Records issued by the Partner University.
For the conversion of foreign credits to Italian credits (out of thirty) according to European rules, consult the conversion of the grades and ECTS table.