Erasmus+: School of Medicine - DSF
This page contains specific information for students of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - DSF.
For any other enquiries regarding Erasmus+ For Studies, you should refer to the general information provided in the Call and to the Department's website.
Mobility Unit Desk
Giuseppe Scarsi
School of Medicine - DSF
Via F. Marzolo, 5 - Padova
Ph +39 049 821 7834
Fax +39 049 821 8680
E-mail: erasmus.scienzedelfarmaco@unipd.it
Opening hours (via Zoom, by appointment via Setmore only): Monday to Thursday from 10.00am to 12.00pm; Monday and Thursday from 2.30pm to 4.00pm
Academic Coordinator
Prof. Francesco Paolo Russo
Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology
via Giustiniani, 2 - Padova
Ph +39 049 821 7024
Fax +39 049 821 5767
E-mail: francescopaolo.russo@unipd.it
Call 2020/21
Partner Universities
Students should consult the websites of Partner Universities, paying particular attention to the educational courses on offer and to the deadlines set out in order to submit any necessary documentation (Application Form, Accommodation Form, Language requirements).
Selection procedures
Students of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences have the possibility to indicate two destinations in the application process, in order of preference.
For selection procedures and relative documentation, see the page Apply to Erasmus
Admission requirements
Only students who have acquired 40 credits at the time of the submission are eligible to apply. For students of master's degrees, CFUs acquired during the first three-year degree are counted.
The students enrolled in the a.y. 2018/19 for a three-year degree course or a one-cycle master's course can access:
1) the first call: in any case (there is no minimum of credits that need to be already achieved).
2) the second call: if they have at least 15 credits registered on Uniweb.
Thesis/internships abroad
The Erasmus programme offers students the possibility to carry out their thesis work (even partially) or an internship (of at least three months), at the Receiving Institution.
One must attach to their application a letter signed by their thesis supervisor in Padua (or the Academic Coordinator), declaring his willingness to have the student carry out their research work abroad at the chosen university as well as the thesis topic / area.
Internship activities are subject to availability at the foreign university and must be carried out alongside a period of study.
- it must be supervised by the foreign institution where the student will also carry out a period of study.
- the study and traineeship activities must be carried out consecutively and in the same academic year.
- the period of study (registered in ToR) must not be less than three months.
Students wishing to do their internship abroad are required to request all the necessary forms from the Career Service Office.
Students who carry out internships/traineeships must ask the Receiving Institution for a letter of certification of the activity, also indicating the procedures for how it will be completed.
Lists of successful students
- Publication of list of successful students First Call: from 13th February 2020
- Publication of list of successful students Second Call: from 23rd April 2020
Please note that the lists will be published exclusively on the Erasmus+ for studies page. These will be the only methods of publication.
No personal or written communications will be made.
Successful students must accept their place according to the procedures and deadlines indicated on the page Accept Erasmus Place
Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement is an essential document for the recognition of activities carried out abroad (for study or thesis work) and must be agreed by the student, the University of Padova and the Receiving Institution.
For instructions and deadlines related to the submission of the Learning Agreement on Uniweb, its completion and any other forms, please refer to the page Complete and submit learning agreement
When the Learning Agreement is in the 'Approved' status on Uniweb, the student must send it to the host institution, according to their outlined procedures and deadlines, for their final approval.
Attention: Activities not present in the Learning Agreement cannot be recognised.
Recognition and registration of activities carried out abroad.
Upon return, at the time of registration, the student must have with them:
- a copy of the Learning Agreement, which must contain an indication of all the activities (courses, thesis, internship / traineeship) carried out abroad. In the event that the Learning Agreement has been modified during the stay abroad, please remember to present the most updated version. Activities that have not been included in the Learning Agreement cannot be registered.
- The protected PDF of the Transcript of Records/Short Evalution Report for thesis work or internship (alternatively, a certificate of attendance for the internship/thesis work, on headed paper, with original dates, signed and stamped) previously issued by International Office/Erasmus in your Department.
For the conversion of foreign marks into the Italian system, (according to European regulations, consult ECTS table for the conversion of credits