Erasmus+: School of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage

This page contains specific information for students enrolled in courses in the School of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage, therefore in the following Departments:

  • Cultural heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music (DBC)
  • Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA)
  • Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGeA)
  • Linguistic and Literary Studies (DISLL)

For any other enquiries regarding Erasmus+ for Studies, you should refer to the general information provided in the Call.

Mobility Desk
Tania Van Luyten
Complex "Beato Pellegrino"
Via Vendramini, 13
35137 Padova PD
tel. 049 8279754
Receiving hours: by appointment only (book your appointment on Moodle)


Department Erasmus Coordinators
Salvatore Gaspa (DiSSGeA):
Alexandra Chavarria (DBC)
Rita Salis (FISPPA):
Katherine Ackerley (DISLL) :

Call 2025/26

Main information related to the call can be found below. Students interested in applying for the programme are strongly advised to participate in the information meetings (or to watch the recording that will be made available after the meeting on the Moodle page).

The information meeting’s calendar is available at the following link:

  Partner Universities

Destination universities are available in the new interactive platform:

You must select your course of study from the Study field drop-down menu. In the platform, the total number of months indicated under Number for each agreement must be divided by the number of available places indicated under Total number.

It is necessary to carefully read any notes on the portal and to read the fact sheets available on the Moodle page and on the website of the universities, paying particular attention to the language requirements and the academic offer.

After having chosen the destination(s) for which you intend to apply, It is necessary to note down all relevant information (e.g. Erasmus code, Academic Coordinator, ISCED/area of study) in order to select the correct destination in Uniweb.

Important: it is only possible to apply only for destinations that appear on the interactive destination portal as being linked to your Degree course (or to the Master's Degree Course you intend to enroll in for candidates in their third year of a bachelor degree course). Applications for destinations not intended for your Degree course will be automatically excluded.

  Application process

For the application procedure and related forms, see the materials avaialble on the Moodle page and on the webpages.

The application must contain the mandatory attachments (some destinations may require  additional requirements and documents. Any additional requirements and documents required are listed in the destination notes of the interactive portal):

It is recommended to attend the information meetings or consult the information materials on the Moodle page for further details on how to fill out the attachments and the application.

  Admission and selection criteria

As well as the general criteria indicated in the Erasmus+ mobility for studies Call, there are also criteria specific to each School, available in the file below.

For the 2025/2026 call these criteria will be valid for all Erasmus+Study and SEMP School destinations, except for the University destinations for which the University selection criteria will be used, available at the

  Language competence

Adequate knowledge of the language of the destination country is recommended and a B1 threshold level in the language of the courses offered at the host university is a prerequisite for participation in Erasmus+ mobility.

At the application stage, unless otherwise indicated in the destination notes on the interactive portal, a language certification is not compulsorily required. If the candidate does not have a certificate, he/she can self-certify his/her language level using the drop-down menu in the Uniweb application form. If the candidate has language certification, he/she can attach it to the application.

For many destinations, a language certificate will be required by the host University at the time of application. Successful students must check on the website of the host University the language requirements and certifications (if required).

For the University destinations, a language certification will be compulsorily required at the application stage; the minimum level required for each destination is indicated on the notes on the interactive portal. Please consult the for the list of accepted certifications.

  List of successful applicants

The lists will be published exclusively on the Erasmus+ for studies page. This will be the only method of publication.

There will be no personal communications, neither written nor by telephone.

Successful students must accept their place according to the procedures and deadlines indicated on the page Accept Erasmus Place.

  Learning Agreement

In case that you are selected the Learning Agreement - an official document which ensures the full recognition of the educational activities carried out abroad - must be filled out according to the procedures and deadlines provided. Instructions on how to fill in this document on-line are available at the page: Submitting and changing the Learning Agreement.

More information on the compilation of the LA will be provided to selected students and made available on the School's Moodle page.

  Recognition of activities carried out abroad

At the end of the mobility, as soon as the Transcript of Records (or "Short Evaluation Report" in case of thesis research activity) is available, the Mobility Desk will provide the student with the instructions to start the recognition procedure.

For the conversion of foreign grades to the Italian grading system according to European rules, please consult the page Conversion of the grades and ECTS table.

The University is in no way responsible for the timing of the issuance of the Transcript of Records by the partner institutions.