During the mobility
In the event of an accident during your stay at the partner university, you should refer to the Università di Padova Insurance Cover (information available in Italian only).
During your stay you should:
1. Upload the start of mobility documents (Attendance Certificate and Learning Agreement before the mobility)
The Attendance Certificate and the Learning Agreement before the mobility must be uploaded onto the Mobility Online platform, otherwise students will not receive the first part of the grant.
Both the documents must be uploaded within 7 days from the arrival date at the Receiving Institution.
Attendance Certificate
The Attendance Certificate is the certificate of the duration of the mobility that the Mobility Unit sends via email to students before the start of their mobility. It must be completed at the partner university according to the following:
- the first part, relative to the "Start of Mobility", must be completed within 7 days of arriving at the university,
- the second part, relative to "End of Mobility", must be completed within the last 7 days before leaving. The document, stamped, originally signed and without corrections must be uploaded on the Mobility Online platform within 10 days of the "date of departure". If the document contains any mistake you need to send a new form, it is acceptable to use the certificate provided by the partner university as long as it contains the same information.
The grant is calculated based on the dates provided by the partner in the attendance certificate, even if they are different from those provided in the Grant Agreement. Only physical mobility certified in the Attendance Certificate is funded. You should inform yourself on how the partner university outlines the dates to avoid misunderstandings. The minimum duration required to obtain mobility contributions is 60 days of physical mobility, otherwise the Erasmus+ status will be cancelled and the return of grants already received will be requested.
In the event that the Attendance Certificate is not submitted, or the submission of an invalid certificate (not signed/stamped, with incorrect dates, or with errors and corrections) will lead to the cancellation of the Erasmus status and the complete reimbursement of the grant, as well as possible integration.
Learning Agreement before the mobility
It is necessary to upload the Uniweb Standard European version of the Learning Agreement (not the Riepilogo/Summary) already electronically approved by the Academic Coordinator in Padova and counter-signed by the Receiving Institution.
Should the LA not be signed before the mobility, students must have it signed within 7 days from the arrival date at the Receiving Institution and upload it.
2. Modify the Learning Agreement (if necessary)
During the study period abroad, the student has the chance to modify the Learning Agreement on Uniweb, to add or eliminate courses. Students can submit up to four Learning Agreements (refer to the page Learning Agreement).
Note: Modification refers only to when students add new courses not originally provided in the first LA. For example, if the student decides not to attend a class/sit an exam but do not substitute it with another, it is not necessary to update the LA.
The changes to your Learning Agreement must be agreed with the Academic Coordinator or Head of the Degree Course or their delegate in Padova and proposed within 30 days from the start of each semester. The approved version must be counter-signed by the Receiving Institution.
For more information students should refer to the Mobility Unit Desks at their School/Department.
Only the activities that are agreed in the Learning Agreement can be recognised.
Once approved on Uniweb by the Academic Coordinator in Padova, students must download the Standard European version (not the Riepilogo/summary) to have it counter-signed by the Receiving Institution.
Students must save the first and (in the event of any changes) the last LA on Uniweb, approved by the Academic Coordinator in Padova and counter-signed by the Receiving Institution. It is not necessary to send the original; it is sufficient to upload the documents, on the Mobility online platform.
The student is encouraged to save all uploaded documents.
4. Request an extension of the Erasmus mobility (if necessary)
It is possible to submit a request for the extension of the Erasmus student status up to a maximum of 12 months (including the original mobility period). To gain such an extension, you should submit the request at least a month before the end of the mobility indicated in the Grant Agreement and, in any case, always in compliance with the rules of the host University. For students whose mobilities end between the beginning of August and the beginning of September, the documentation must arrive by and no later than 15th July. After 15th July requests of extension will not be authorised.
If the extension is up to a maximum of 15 days, there is no need to put in a formal request.
If the extension is longer than 15 days, students have to fill in upload the relevant module available in Mobility Online platform. The extension request form must be signed by the host University and uploaded to Mobility Online. It will then need to be approved in Mobility Online by both the School/Department Mobility Desk and the Mobility Unit in order to be authorised.
After approval in Mobility Online by the offices, the student will receive an email confirming that the extension has been authorised.
The extended months are not financed; it is however necessary to make a formal request both for insurance reasons as well as for the purpose of recognising the period of study.
It is only possible to have one extension and a period of interruption is not allowed.
5. Request the necessary documents from the host university
Before returning you should request certain documents from the host university, from their Erasmus/ International Office:
- The Attendance Certificate, stating the exact dates (day/month/year) of the arrival and departure, with the original date, signature and stamp. The certificate must be completed by the International Office or the Erasmus Office at the Receiving Institution.
- The Original Transcript of Records (certification of the exams sat abroad) and/or letter from the supervisor abroad for thesis activities and/or stating the traineeship activity on headed paper, dated, signed and stamped (or electronically signed). Should the ToR not be available before leaving, the original must be sent to the Mobility Unit (Palazzo Anselmi - Lungargine del Piovego 1, 35131 Padova, Italy).
Failure to submit the Attendance Certificate, or the submission of an invalid certificate (unsigned, not stamped, with the wrong dates, or with errors and corrections) will result in the cancellation of the student’s Erasmus status and the complete reimbursement of the grant.
Since the activities submitted in the transcript, for the purposes of recognition, must be consistent with the last Learning Agreement on Uniweb, it is advised to update your Learning Agreement and provide any definitive changes on Uniweb, before the end of the mobility.
The template for the letter for thesis work to be written and signed by the supervisor abroad is available for download in the page End of mobility Documents
The original letter must be handed in at the Mobility Unit at Palazzo Anselmi, together with the other abovementioned documents.