Before your arrival - Bilateral Agreements/Ulisse
Deadline for Step 1 and 2:
- 15th May for 1st semester or full year mobility
- 31st October for 2nd semester mobility
Deadline for Step 3:
- 15th June for 1st semester or full year mobility
- 30th November for 2nd semester mobility
Application process
Step 1: Registration on Uniweb
After their nomination has been accepted by Unipd - not earlier - incoming students need to register on Uniweb, our online platform, and activate their account. Registration and account activation are compulsory steps and must be completed before the application. In order to complete the procedure successfully and comply with each section requirements, you must follow the handbook step by step.
The online registration procedure is available at this link: www.uniweb.unipd.it.
After registration, you receive a provisional numeric username and an activation code, to be used to activate the Uniweb account and choose a personal password.
Step 2: Application on Uniweb
After the activation of the Uniweb account, you need to access Uniweb by using your provisional numeric username and the password you have chosen. Then you need to click on “Apply as an exchange student” in the menu, fill in the Application form selecting the correct study programme/mobility scheme and upload the following documents:
- a photocopy of the passport (the document must be valid for your whole mobility period)
- a passport style and format photo (frontal headshot photo from the neck up, on a clear background) that will be used in your Unipd student ID card
Step 3: Learning Agreement upload on Mobility Online
The Mobility Unit will check the personal data that you entered in Uniweb. After they are confirmed, you will receive an email with further instructions.
On that occasion you will be asked to access Mobility Online by using the same credentials used for Uniweb (the link to access Mobility Online will be provided in the confirmation email).
You will have to complete your personal details and to upload the following documents:
- a copy of the Transcript of Records of previous studies
- the Learning Agreement signed by the Home Institution on a pdf file. The LA doesn't have to be signed by the Erasmus Coordinator of the University of Padua, they will sign your LA after the application procedure is completed.
Templates provided by the Home Institution are accepted; a common template is available below.
Before preparing the LA, you MUST carefully read the guide How to choose courses at Unipd, where rules and restrictions on course units are described in detail.
Useful information for filling in the Learning Agreement:
Step 4: Health insurance and language certificate
It is mandatory to upload in Mobility Online the following documents, within 15 days before the beginning of your stay.
1) Insurance card/policy/certificate.
The insurance must be valid for the whole mobility period.
Non-European students non-resident in the EU need private insurance valid for the visa application. A medical insurance for a Schengen visa must meet the following criteria:
- medical coverage of at least Euro 30.000
- coverage of emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains
ATTENTION: in order to be acceptable, a medical insurance for Italian residence permit must provide evidence of a national office based in Italy to be contacted in case of emergency.
2) Language Certificate of the Language of instruction in Padua
- Language requirements:
- B1 English level for students attending course units held in English;
- A2 Italian level for students attending course units held in Italian.
(ref.: CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
If you will attend courses both in Italian and in English, a certificate for each language is required.
- Accepted documents:
OLS test results, official language certificates (i.e. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge University, etc.), Duolingo English test, attendance certificates of intensive courses, certificates issued by University officers/professors attesting the language proficiency level, transcript of records including language exams results
Key info
Please also check the list of useful links available in the grey box below.
Accommodation in the students’ halls of residence is prioritised for non-European students coming from extra-European Universities. These students will be invited to fill in an Accommodation form, in order to request a place (around May/June and October/November).
Visa for non-EU students
Non-EU students resident outside EU must apply for a visa before arriving in Italy, by following the instructions provided by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. An electronic copy of the invitation letter will be sent by email to the student.
Invitation letters will only be sent after the reception and check of all the required.
The Mobility Unit will not send any original invitation letter by post: the Italian Embassy/Consulate will receive it directly from UNIPD via legal e-mail. The transmission of digital documents via legal e-mail ("PEC - Posta Elettronica Certificata") between Italian public administrations is legally equivalent to the transmission of original documents, and it complies with the digitalisation process undertaken by the Italian public administration in the past years.
In order to apply for a Schengen Visa, a health insurance is required. The criteria to be met by the insurance are described under Step 4.
The Buddy service
The University of Padua provides a Buddy Service set up to support students under any exchange programme. All Buddies are students of the University of Padua. The task of a Buddy is to welcome exchange students and be a friendly local contact throughout their stay.
Non-European students do not need to request a Buddy, they will be assigned one automatically.
For EU students, the Buddy Service is offered only upon request. They just need to tick the relevant section in Mobility Online, when entering their personal details (see Step 3).
Italian language courses
All students can attend a free of charge Italian language course offered by our language centre, CLA – Centro linguistico di Ateneo.
The registration period opens a few weeks before the courses start. If you are interested you must keep an eye on the CLA’s website and pay attention to the publication of deadlines and the opening of the registration period.
For further information: visit this webpage or fill in the CLA contact form.