interconnected humans

LIVES project gets European Jean Monnet Module recognition


The University of Padua's LIVES project, awarded the Jean Monnet Module prize and funded by the European Commission, deals with the study of the vulnerability of fragile people (elderly, disabled, minors). The focus is a free, 48-hour multidisciplinary course, starting Feb. 27, 2025, dedicated to inclusion policies and rights protection, strengthening the university's role in the European debate

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'Il mondo in mano' exhibition


The exhibition "Il mondo in mano" opens on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 14 (5 p.m), at the Geography Museum of the University of Padua showcasing a collection of travel guides published from the 17th century to the present day

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Two Unipd students at the Winter Universiade in Turin 2025


Universiadi 2025: Sebastiano Cipriano, Unipd Energy Engineering student, competing in the giant slalom of alpine skiing, and Nicole Riz, who studies Primary Education Sciences, will be engaged in the ski orienteering discipline

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squadra ita

Una studentessa e uno studente Unipd alle Universiadi invernali di Torino 2025


I nostri rappresentanti sono Sebastiano Cipriano, studente di Ingegneria dell’energia, impegnato nello slalom gigante di sci aplino, e Nicole Riz, che studia Scienze della formazione primaria e sarà impegnata nella disciplina dello ski orienteering

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From the academic year 2025/26 in Venice, the "Medicine and Surgery" course of the University of Padua


The Medicine and Surgery degree course of the School of Medicine at the University of Padua will be relocated to Venice starting from the 2025-2026 academic year

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libro stetoscopio

Dall'anno accademico 2025/26 a Venezia il corso in "Medicine and Surgery" dell’Università di Padova


Approda a Venezia il corso di laurea in Medicine & Surgery della Scuola di Medicina dell’Università di Padova. La sede del corso di laurea, al cui primo anno parteciperanno 100 studenti con un aumento graduale fino a 600 studenti attivi entro il 2030, è lo storico Ospedale SS Giovanni e Paolo

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Capsules that "capture" pollutants


An international team, led by the Universities of Padua and Hong Kong, has created an innovative material that mimics biological protein capsules, capable of purifying air and water by capturing pollutants such as benzene and cyclohexane. Published in "Nature", the study shows how these supramolecular polyhedra can be controlled with light, opening up new possibilities in the fight against pollution

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Le capsule che "catturano" gli inquinanti


Un team internazionale, guidato dalle Università di Padova e Hong-Kong, ha creato un materiale innovativo che imita le capsule proteiche biologiche, capace di purificare aria e acqua catturando inquinanti come benzene e cicloesano. Pubblicato su «Nature», lo studio mostra come questi poliedri supramolecolari possano essere controllati con la luce, aprendo nuove possibilità per la lotta contro l'inquinamento

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students in library

MUR funds €1.6 million to the University of Padua for students' psychological well-being


The Ministry of University and Research has allocated €1,600,000 to a partnership led by the University of Padua to promote the psychological well-being of students. The UNIST – HEALTH project includes monitoring, a support app, and "psychological health ambassadors". Specific actions will be implemented in Padua to support those in difficulty

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studenti in biblioteca

Un finanziamento Mur di 1,6 milioni per il benessere psicologico di studentesse e studenti


Il Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca ha assegnato 1.600.000 euro a un partenariato guidato dall'Università di Padova per promuovere il benessere psicologico delle studentesse e studentii. Il progetto UNIST – HEALTH prevede monitoraggi, un'app di supporto e "psychological health ambassadors" A Padova saranno attuate azioni specifiche per sostenere chi si trova in difficoltà.

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