15 marzo, una giornata per combattere i DCA

15 marzo, una giornata per conoscere e combattere i disturbi del comportamento alimentare


Ai DCA è dedicata la Giornata nazionale del fiocchetto lilla, il 15 marzo. Università di Padova ed ESU vogliono sensibilizzare la cittadinanza verso questa tematica, aderendo alla Giornata e proponendo comportamenti attenti e positivi

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DiSSGeA workshops on gender-based violence and discriminations


DiSSGeA workshops on gender-based violence and discriminations begins in March and continues until May, marking a widespread and lasting 'March 8th'

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freccia unione

Il progetto "Università responsabile" per combattere molestie e discriminazioni


Un piano strutturato e organico fortemente voluto dalla governance e approvato dal Senato accademico dell’Università di Padova

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An Innovative Approach to Treating Prostate Cancer


A study, carried out by research teams from the University of Padua, VIMM and the Bellinzona Research Oncology Institute at the University of Italian Switzerland, investigates a new therapeutic approach for prostate cancer

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Measuring Entropy Production Rates. A Unipd Study


Researchers from the universities of Barcelona and Padua have developed a revolutionary methodology for measuring entropy production on dimensions one million times smaller than one centimeter

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LIVERAIM - Developing a European Screening Platform for Liver Disease


The Unipd research for early detection of liver disease will be funded with approximately 1,800,000 euros

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Finanziamenti europei per una strategia terapeutica innovativa per la cura di malattie neurodegenerative dell’infanzia


Il progetto TREM2MEDS, del gruppo di ricerca della professoressa Alessandra Biffi, vuole sfruttare una strategia terapeuticaper la cura di malattie neurodegenerative dell’infanzia e per il trattamento della malattia di Alzheimer

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A study sheds light on how and where copper processing took place in prehistoric times


Research team from the University of Padua, in collaboration with the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, reveals very precisely the different stages of copper production and use in Italy in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC

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Research: 6000-year-old dental tartar reveals Neolithic diet


Published in Scientific Reports, a new study reveals the eating habits of Neolithic communities of Eastern Sudan between the 4th and 2nd millennia BCE. The work was conducted by researchers at the universities of Padua, La Sapienza of Rome, L'Orientale of Naples, Coimbra, and the Museum of Civilizations of Rome

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Cancro alla prostata, nuova scoperta per curarlo


Uno studio, realizzato da team di ricerca dell’Università di Padova, del VIMM e dell’Istituto Oncologico di Ricerca di Bellinzona presso l’Università della Svizzera italiana, indaga un nuovo approccio terapeutico per il cancro prostatico

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